Why are you here?

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Morning comes, Karol raises and shines with a smiling face as she accomplishes a part of her sudden mission yesterday. She then heads to the bathroom, freshens herself up then opts to use her comfy indoor attire.

She heads downstairs towards the kitchen and straight away heads to the refrigerator to pull out her breakfast. She proceeds to make herself vanilla pancakes without looking around the kitchen as she multi-tasking her way.

She quietly brings everything that she prepared for her breakfast to the table, seating next to her mother while taking her first bite which almost makes her choke.

"Oh, good Lord gracious, why are you here? Oh hi, Sharon and Jason. Finally, we got to see your ugly face". Karol mockingly said while slightly smirking before she add; "Yes, yes mummy daddy, good morning. I saw you two too" to her morning greeting not wanting to leave anyone behind.

"Morning baby girl,"

"Morning Karol," 

Sharon jokingly said; "I bet you missed me that's why you almost choke to death looking at the very beautiful me sitting in front of you looking down at you," in an exaggerated tone.

"Jeez, narcissist early in the morning isn't good for the people surrounding, they might die from looking at you," 

Jason who was smiling at both sisters' morning weird joke couldn't help but utter; "You two are weird," in a small tone while shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

In an overly exaggerated tone like a drama queen, Karol respond; "I beg to differ in that accusation of yours," while Sharon softly hit Jason's arm while muttering; "You ass," lowly.

Karol who witness her sister's action couldn't help but make a joke of it; "Look at how she hit him softly, oh my. Has this world come to end and are we in hell?" while looking around as if checking their surrounding.

"Yes we are in hell, we visit your place, you dirty soul," 

Replied Sharon as she laughs out loud which makes her sister roll her eyes and continue to eat her breakfast while making a disapproved face. Yet as she tries her hardest not to look at one particular spot, she couldn't help but talk to herself.

'Why is he here though? I'm curious 

Still, without looking in that direction Karol reaches out for her mug, bring it up to her lips and tilted her head back to drink her tea but all she gets is an empty mug; "Where did my tea go?!" she put the mug back at the table and looked left and right, up and down as if searching for her keys around the mug.

"My tea just vanishes right in front of my eye," 

She looks up eyeing everyone starting from her father, mother, sister, Jason and last but not least Christian as she asked; "Who's the culprit?" while still eyeing them fours.

"I know daddy isn't the culprit here 'cause he's far away from my mug and you three is the nearest to my mug. So tell me who drinks my tea? Or else" 

She make her deduction while still eyeing her sister, mother and Jason plus avoiding Christian as she still did not want to strike up a conversation or even looked at him while she subtly try to avoid him the best she could.


Karol accuses her sister as she narrows her eyes and pointed her index finger at her accusing her of drinking her tea right under her nose due to her being the nearest among all and with the evil intention.

"You evil woman" 

She said as she makes a snarling face towards her sister who was sticking her tongue out mocking her little sister while both sisters were bickering playfully suddenly Christian stands up and head over to his mate's side.

"Let me refill your tea for you," 

Christian then leans a little closer to her which makes her slightly back off not liking the proximity between them while he grabs her mug, then fills it up and hands it back over to his mate before he seats back down at his original place.

Everyone was silently looking at them both, some with smirks on their face, while some suppress their laughter and the rest, tries their hardest not to look at them. With awkward silence travelling throughout the dining area she quickly asked;

"What time are you going later?" 

"We'll move out from here at noon cause our flight is at 1 pm," 

Anna then quickly stated her schedule for the day;

"Okay, then this morning we'll be lounging around and packing before we move out. Oh, yea, the rental car what are you going to do about that?"

Which Sharon respond;

"We'll return it when we reach the airport since we pick it up at the airport so we'll send it back at the airport too" 

Then William quickly asked;

"Darling, do you want to drive around Theodulf before we head to the airport?" 

"Sure, why not. Then let's get ready" 

Both Anna and William without wasting any time exit the dining room and head up to their bedroom.

With that being said by her parents, Karol quickly finished her breakfast and drink half of the tea before she heads over to the sink to wash her plates and mug then walked off from there but before she do, she quickly inform;

"Okay then, I'll see you guys around noon," 

Christian still wanting attention from his mate steadily follow her as she heads over to the living room making herself comfy while scrolling through her emails. Christian quietly plops at the end of her feet in the same spot and position before this.

But this time she know what is his intention so she quickly pull her legs away before he could even touch them. She silently gives ample space to him as she makes herself small at the end of the sofa.

Both Jason and Sharon saw this and quickly went up to her bedroom, leaving and giving space for both mates to talk. Out of the blue, Karol asked; "You okay?" as she looked at Christian who look like a kicked puppy.

"Yes, I am and to answer your question just now in the kitchen. I'm here cause someone decided to have dinner without me when I clearly said I'll come and pick you up" 

"I told you, didn't I? I can take care of myself and you have tons of work to do" 

"I do have work but you always come first,"

"Don't worry about it okay, I was out for a while and did you eat your dinner yesterday?" 

"Yes, I did" 

"Good to know that. Okay then, I need to reply to emails from my university so if you excuse me I'll go up to my room," 

Without remorse, she raises from her seat and heads over to her bedroom leaving Christian behind.

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