is this a date?

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Third persons pov:
Junior and Cody made it and both tired but they made it home when breakfast was ready Junior herd Chef pp yelling at him to get downstairs but chef pp herd the door closed. Junior and Cody went to the table

Junior: "Im sorry chef pp I went for a walk this morning"

Chef pp: "Oh.. heres your food is starting to get cold so eat up You stupid brats!"

Chef pp went to the stove to cook Braxton's food

Junior and Cody had a bowl of cereal and a egg

Junior had black circles underneath his eyes Cody did to they ate up

Time skip when there done

Junior was laying on the table with his eyes half opened Cody got up and taped Junior on the shoulder and Junior jumped a little and looked at Cody

Cody: "get up."

Junior got up and followed Cody upstairs to Juniors room

Cody: "Junior you should lay down for a while"

Junior: "Noooo I'm awak-..."

Junior fell on the bed and felasleep Cody felt tired to so he got in bed and raped his arm around Junior lighty and dozed off.

1 hour later

Junior opened his eyes and felt a arm around him he grabbed his phone and check the time it was 11:49 Junior got up and grabbed a pillow and put Cody's arm around it Junior closed the door and ran to the game room and set his xbox up and started playing fall guys.

1 hour later again

Junior saw Cody walked to the bathroom and Junior keep playing Cody then walk to the game room and sat down beside Junior Cody rubbed his eyes

Junior: "Hay Cody!"

Cody: "Hi Junior." Cody said in a tired tone

Junior: "you must be tired still"

Cody: "I just woke up that's probably why I sound tired"

Junior: "whatever"

Cody watched Junior play for a while. Cody wanted to got out and spend time with Junior but he kenw that Junior would maybe hate/love it Cody grabbed his phone and check the time. It was 12:59 Cody fixed his bow tie

Cody: "Are you hungry Junior?"

Junior: "a little why?"

As Junior stopped his game

Cody: "I know you don't like chef pps cooking

Junior: "Yeah" Junior moved a little closer to Cody's face

Cody: "I was wondering if" Cody looked around quickly to see if anyone was near "you wanna go to the fair And spend sometime together?"

Junior looked Cody in the eyes and made a little angry face this made Cody giggle

Junior: "fine"

Cody had a smile on and grabbed Juniors hand and walked to the door

(Let's pretend that they live near the fair)

Junior closed the door and rolled his eyes as Cody dragged him there Junior had to listen to all things that Cody wanted to do at the fair.

12 minutes late

Junior: "finally we made it"

Jr's pov:
why the hell did I agree on being this nerds boyfriend at least I get free things from him because he said that he will pay for all of it.
Cody was admiring me I think or the layout of the fair? Whatever I'm here to spend time with the nerd I know that he will injoy this me not so much well when he trys to flirt with me...

Cody: "Junior? Are you ok?!" As he was shaking me violently

Junior: "yeah!"

Cody: "ok good" as he started walking with me well holding my hand tight because he didn't want me to get lost I assume? We got in line for the tickets I was surprise the line was short

Cody: "so what ride do wanna go on first?"

Junior: "maybe.. bumper cars"

Cody: "okay!"

Junior: "and can we get cotton candy after?"

Cody: "of course we can"

Junior: "Yay! As I did a little jump and grabbed Cody's hand after the jump

We moved up and it was ur time to get tickets or a rist band me and Cody got a rist band because we can got on the better rides we walked to the
Bumper Cars and showed the man ur rist band and we got on I got a red car and saw Cody got a blue Car I looked at him and he looked like he was ready I felt a pink I released that I was blushing I slapped myself I made sure that Cody didn't see me and the ride begin Cody went for me first I then went after him and I went for a random girl and we kept going until the ride.was done me and Cody walked out and Cody looked behind and grabbed my hand I didn't like this at least it wasn't as tight as the first time and I wanted to be the leader so i got in front of Cody

Junior: "I wanna be leader!"

Cody: "whatever" as he rolled his eyes

Junior ran to the cotton candy stand
And let go of Cody's hand Junior had a good amount of energy
Junior: "CoMe On COdY! YoU StUpiD NeRd!"
Cody: "I'm coming Junior!"
Cody got beside me he then grabbed my hand I felt like he was really protective of me also he didn't want me getting lost in this circle of fun it was ur turn to order

Cody: "can I get blue"

Junior: "and can I get red"

Lady: "ok that will be 20 dollars"

Cody passed the money to the lady and she put it in cash register she came back and we grabbed our cotton candys I wanted to go on a ride

Junior: "can we go on a ride?"


Junior: "aww that sucks"

Cody: "yeah it dose" he said it in a mad and controversial way

I leaned on Cody's shoulder but i looked pissed I wanted to ride a something well I was eating my cotton candy

Junior: "this is so dumb"

Cody: "whats so dumb?"

Junior: "that where not allowed to go on a ride with food!"

Cody: "for the second time they cannot accept food on the rides"

Junior: "what about the ferris wheel?"

Cody: "no"

Junior: "the one that gose up and down?"

Cody: "No"

Junior: "I don't know any of the rides"

Time skip to when there done

Third persons pov:

The two went on six more rides
Cody looked at his phone it was 7:30

Cody and Junior got off a ride and Cody looked at Junior

Cody: "Junior we have to get back it's already 7:30 we been hear for 7 hours now we must get home now!!

Junior: "awww fine"

Cody and Junior started walking home with there pizza

Time skip to when they get home~

Junior and Cody where in Juniors room chef pp was sleeping he's been like that for a while now Cody and Junior where sort of close but Cody was relaxing with his hand around Junior Junior really didn't like this but he seemed like he dose this every day Junior was almost ready to go to bed

Cody: "thanks for bringing me on a date" Cody said in a tired tone

Junior: "..."

1214 words

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