Jiujiu Lin turned his eyes away, and he grabbed his little friend's wrist and walked into the residential building.

    "Mr. Dazai must have discovered the clue early in the morning and brought Atsushi here. It is not the effect of the Tarot cards. The

    prisoner may be in the building. Atsushi, let's go in and take a look."

    They checked floor by floor, this building The building has been built for a long time, and the condition is very poor. All the residents have moved out.

    Until reaching the top floor, the overly neat front of the middle one was separated from the dusty collar door.

    Osamu Dazai walked slowly behind them and yawned, showing a lack of interest and a lazy look.

    Standing at the door, Atsushi Nakajima was a little nervous, "Sorry for the interruption, we want to visit..."

    Before he could finish shouting, Jiujiulin tentatively pinched the doorknob, and the door opened.

    "Aren't you going in?"

    Atsushi Nakajima opened his mouth and nodded silently.

    Jiujiulin saw that he wanted to ask if it was not good to break into a private house, so he explained to him, "I just searched the news, and it was reported that at the beginning of March, all the residents in this area had moved out. The project was originally scheduled to start in April, but the

    group's funds seem to have gone wrong, and the start of the project has become nowhere in sight. Don't worry, the person living here must not be the owner's family."

    As soon as he entered the entrance, Atsushi Nakajima keenly caught the faint sound of the machine running, and he hurriedly followed the sound source to the study room, which was a working paper shredder.

    Atsushi Nakajima rushed over, only saving the last half of the paper, and a few lines of unclear language were printed on the paper.

    "You can't detect without thinking, idiot, original sin..."

    Jiujiulin took a look, and it was full of sentences that seemed to be profound and philosophical, but they didn't make any sense after careful study.

    Looking at the basket full of shredded paper, he always felt that the room was full of discord.

    Where is it?

    "Look, Lin, everything is placed at the same angle. Could there be any clues hidden?" Atsushi Nakajima tried to deduce some clues from the details.

    When Ninety-Nine Lin heard this, he had a flash of inspiration.

    right! Except for the busy paper shredder, everything in the room was in order, and it didn't look like he was running away in a hurry after receiving the news.

    If the person has enough time, the shredder should not work overtime, and there is still half a sheet of paper left; and when the time is tight, it is impossible to adjust the angle of the accessories and furniture.

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