broken vases

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amber freeman is the stupidest fucking bitch.

real life frzys 

no ones pov :

when people thought of amber freeman they thought of the dumbass stupid one whos a fucking slut because she made kissed tons of people in one school day and people even thought she would suck dick for 5 dollars and would eat pussy for 8 (she actually wouldnt but MAYBE woukd if they paid her a lot of money.) but amber didnt give a shit. but literally everyone else did.. 

"amber im about to enroll your stupid ass back into school and make u stop doing homeschool if your iq doesnt bump up to at least a fucking 78" sam said while amber kept doing cartwheels, "sam shes stupid.. we cant fix her" jill said putting a hand on sams shoulder "she mightve been dropped as a baby..." liv said while walking into the room. "wouldnt she go back to being a whore if we put her back in school.." jill said, "no fuck you." amber replied losing focus on her cartwheels.

then ambers dumbass cartwheeled into an expensive ass vase. "OH FUCK", we all know damn well sam has sum type of motherly instinct so those rolled in and she ran over to amber and crouched down next to her, "amber are you alright!?!" "bitch i just bumped into a glass vase and glass hit my face." anika walked in with mindy and mindy said "its the stds in her, it made her dumb." "dawg i dont got stds." amber said starting to cry cuz shit the pain is finally getting to her.. "guys do we take her to the er or nah.." anika kayoko our fav ladder bitch said. "shes fine shes just really fucking stupid, amber lift your damn head up so i can check if your cut or not." sam said annoyed with this hoe, "no fuck off im fine slut." and a drop of blood landed on the floor so sam just pushed ambers head up with the palm of her hand and oh my god was amber looking like jill at the end of scream 4 but worse. "mindy get me the fucking medkit." sam said while trying to make sure amber doesnt bleed more and mindy dashed off. "amber how do you get into shit like this." jill said while going over and sitting on the floor next to sam. "it was your fault you distracted me." "shut the fuck up." "no you asshole im BLEEDING" "both of you stop it" sam said budding into the mini fight. 

finally mindy walked back in and tossed the medkit to sam hitting jill in the nose with it "OWWWWW" jill cried out, "oh my god, alright im a nurse for 2 patients now." sam then grabbed a tissue and put it to jills nose "hold this here while i take care of this one." referring to amber. sam started to clean ambers wounds and put bandages on them, "alright someone make sure jill doesnt beat the shit out of  mindy, im gonna go put amber in her bed.." sam said getting up and throwing amber over her shoulder and going down the hall to ambers bedroom and putting her into her bed and walking back to see mindy with a bloody nose, anika giggling, jill screaming profanities, with liv holding her back. "i was gone for 2 minutes, what the fuck.." sam said going to grab a tissue and going to put it to mindys nose, "jill, you cannot hit teenagers, apologize." "nah i aint apologizing she threw a medkit at me." sam is fucking TERRIFYING so she just sent a lil glare at jill and jill said

"mindy i am so sorry for all the hurt and wrong i have caused you mentally and physically, it was wrong and i am very sorry.. i just wanna move on and get a career and maybe a wife, and change the way i act, and i hope you can accept this apology cuz i dont really mean it." sam pinched her rlly fucking hard, "i mean i do mean it.. just sam made me do it but overall i am very very sorry for all the pain i have caused you." jill said with her nose still fucking bleeding. "mindy do you forgive her?" "nah fuck her and her fake ass apology i want a real apology thats with TEARS." "well thats all ur getting hoe." "oh my god, okay me and jill are out, goodbye guys, see you later or tomorrow based on this bitches actions." sam said throwing jill over her shoulder cuz she strong like that and walking out.

turns out anika recorded the whole 20 minute ordeal and her and livs personal reaction after mindy walked out and she posted it EVERYWHERE and it went fucking viral.

2 days later

"im fucking famous!" amber said hopping around the living room, anika was obvi recording since she records EVERYTHING. "people think im cool!" jill yelled out and jumped on amber back and amber twirled around before falling "JILL YOU MADE ME FALL." "shut the fuck up." jill said as she got up, kicked amber, and went to get apple juice.

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