Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Shinsou Pov

I noticed Denki getting tired.I smirked and asked him.

"Heh. Getting sleepy already? "

He was looking at the TVs screen with his hand on his chin as he replied to me with a stutter.

" N-no."

I closed my eyes crossing my arms letting out a small sigh as i leaned to the couch.

" Sure.. Why don't you just go to-*Thump*"

I opened my eyes quickly from the sudden feeling of something falling to my lap making me jumb a little surprised. Denki who was next to me was now on my legs. I looked at him for a bit and then decided to pat his shoulder.

"Hey.. Denki! Wake up! " I said trying to wake him up.

But it was no use.

"Hmm..." He mumbled sounding tired with his eyes shut.

His blond hair was covering his face making it ticklish on his skin. He did move his head around to get it away while he was in deep sleep. I felt the world stop for a bit as i didn't want to wake him anymore just stay there with him. My hand slowly approached his face pushing Denkis hair behind his ear so it wouldn't bother him. A whimper came from him which made me move my hand away. His face looked cute in the dark as it rested on my lap. 'What was i thinking? 'I couldn't help but remember how over the next days i kept thinking of him. I can't think of him like that. I know his into girls but i can't let anything distract me from being a hero. Maybe i should try avoiding him for a while. Yes. That may be the best option for now.But for the moment, it wasn't. I had to get him to his room. Without anyone seeing me or waking him up. I picked up Denki in a piggyback.I looked around the stairs before climbing all the way to third floor where i knew his room was, remembering how he felt into me before class in there today. Gladly no one was there and Denkis room keys where just in his pocket.I unlocked his door and then carefully opened it. As i got in i put him down on his bed.His room was a bit messy and weird, it looked as he had chosen every random thing he had in his attic and put it for decoration. When i finished i put his keys on the small table next to his bed and peeked through the door. I finally got out and closed his door quickly going to my dorm . It didn't took long for me to get there since it was the next floor. I noticed Kirishima on his doorway. He looked at me surprised.

"You watched the whole movie? Till this late? "

I let out a small chuckle akwardly scratching my neck. "Y-yeah...I tend to stay up awake till late...What about you through? " I asked him.

"I was just going to grab some water to hydrate myself. You should always drink lots of water before bed!Its super mainly! " He said grinning as I looked at him confused.

Regardless i was relieved that he didn't left any earlier his room otherwise he did see me caring a tired Denki.

"Anyways how was the movie? Did Denki stay?" I got a bit nervous at the question.

I didn't feel like sharing to anyone that i carried the blond to his room.

"The end..uh..was fine.Kaminari left before the end." I said and opened my rooms door.

"I'm going to sleep now. " I said and closed the door fast.

Kirishimas POV

Even through Bakugo had told me off many times for staying awake there would be some days where i wasn't able to fall asleep. Issues like training and hero work where on my mind keeping me awake. When i went off my room to get a bottle of water i noticed Shinsou. He acted a bit weird when i spoked to him man looked restless. When i mentioned about the movie and Denki he immerdiantly left to his room.

"Okay, goodnight bro! " I said to him but i didn't think he heard me.

Did something happen? Or he was actually tired? I shrud and continued what was i doing. Maybe i ask Kaminari tomorrow.

End Kirishimas POV

After few hours the next day had finally come. Some of the students where exchausted for staying a bit late and not even finishing the movie. Everyone would get off their beds and head to classes. Denki had finally came out of his room rubbing his eyes sleepily as he looked around. He did gave a good morning to his classmate Ojiro that he follow.

Denkis POV

I woke up a bit late but on my luck i wasn't alone. I noticed Ojiro leaving his room at the exact same time with me. I walked with him to the class, i saw Shinsou on the way..

"Good morning! " I said to him with a smile but he didn't response as he walked inside the classroom.

I stared at him confused and then heard Mina speaking to me.

"That's weird. Did something happened between you guys? " She asked and i thought for a bit, Kirishima taking my place.

"Haha, i think that he must be tired from watching the movie all night. "

My eyes widen. The movie? What happened? I don't remember going to my room at all that night. 'Did he? Took me to my room..? 'I blushed remembering everything and how i falled asleep on him. Is he mad at me? I didn't think i could fall asleep that fast, man i have to speak with him after class! At least thank him and apologize.

End of Denkis POV

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