"Omg, she is going to freak out about this. I need to leave I need to get her now."

Just as Mei was about to get up and walk out. Yuzu pulled her back down on the chair and whispered.

"Tomorrow Mei, tomorrow."

"OK Yuzu,"

Turning their attension back to the moon goddess, she spoke one more time.

"You too have mated fully. You both have accepted each other and you know about your wolves. The only thing you need to do to reach your maximum potential is for you two to plan Yuzu coronation."

Both, Yuzu and Mei blushed.

"Now, now girls. You are both adults."

This made both of them blush harder. Selene let out a little laugh. She stood up slowly and walked towards her counterparts and kissed them on the forehead. She stared to walk away when she looked back over her shoulder. Spoke one more time.

"I will be back tomorrow please set up dinner and add 4 places. Invite your parents as well. I'm looking forward for tomorrow."

With that she left the mortal world.

Yuzu looked at Mei and Mei looked at Yuzu.

"Why four?"  Yuzu asked.

"Who knows what going on  her head but. If she has asked us to set 4 extra plates then who am I am to argue."

Yuzu and Mei just sat there completely shocked at what just happened. The Moon goddess was in their house. Talking to as equals.

After about an hour of either of them doing nothing but staring into space Yuzu moved and straddle her mates lap. She placed her hand on her face softly and kissed her. Once the kiss was over she placed her head on her chest started talking.

"I love you Mei, I want to test the bed out so bad. I have never felt like this before but we need to sort things out. We need to get food. We need to invite Nene, Himeko and our parents to dinner tomorrow. Once everything is done and tomorrow is over be prepared as you will leave our bed as you will not be able to walk."

Yuzu shocked herself as she has never spoke like that before to anyone. It took all her self control not to jump her right there and then. She placed one more deep kiss on her mate and removed herself.

Mei did not reply and followed Yuzu out of the house to get everything ready for tomorrow.

Waking up early Yuzu went and used the gym as she was used to doing this in the morning. To her it seemed like a normal day but it was far from it. She knew that Nene would be crying a lot but she also knew that Himeko would be there. When they went to invite Nene room yesterday Himeko apologised and Yuzu accepted but they still had a bit of work to do to get on the friend list but it was a start.

Before Yuzu knew it was already midday. She left the gym and walked up to her bedroom. As she walked in the sight that was in front of her turned her on. She ignored her own desire walked into bathroom and took a cold shower. Once she got herself under control she switched to hot and cleaned herself. Mei.was still sleeping so Yuzu had to wake her up.

Yuzu tried to do it nicely by softly shaking her. But no response. She shook her harder ans still no response. Taking desperate measures Yuzu walked to the end of the and in a deep tone of voice shouted.

"Mei, wake up we are under attack"

Mei jumped out the bed and got onto a fighting stance. Once she got her bearing all see saw was her mate laughing at her.


"Sorry, Mei i tried waking you up. But you would not so I had to take drastic measures, and now that you are awake. It time for you to get dressed as we have to start making dinner."

"Yuzu, its only 9am. Come back to bed."

"Mei, my love I'm sorry but do u want to check the time again."

Mei looked over to the clock and gasped. She went pale. She could not beleived that she had slept that long ever. She ran around the end on the bed quickly gave Yuzu a kiss and ran into the bathroom.

Yuzu chuckled to herself and walked downstairs and started to make dinner. An hour later Mei walked into the kitchen and saw that her beloved was cooking up a storm. It was not long before Yuzu looked up and saw her mate staring at her. She placed her hand on her lips and blew her a kiss. Like a child Mei jumped up caught the kiss and placed.it on her heart. Turning around Mei started to set up the table. With the extra place settings.

A few hours later their guests arrived and all of them looked at the table that was full off different kinds of meats. All the vegetables that you could imagine and of course sauces were placed as well. All the guests looked puzzled at the plate setting. But before anyone could ask why Selene appeared.

Shou, Ume, Nene and even Himeko bowed. Selene walked over to them and spoke to them.

"All of you please raise your heads and join Us please."

Without speaking all of them got up and walked to the table. As they went to sit down Selene spoke.once again. No one know what was happening. But her being the goddess no one dared to question her.

"Yuzu, please go and stand next to your mother. Mei please go and stand next to your father. Himeko could you please come and stand next to me."

All of them did as they were told. No one said anything. Once more Selene spoke.

"I bet you are all wondering why I have asked the queen's for this dinner meeting."

All of them nodded their heads In a forward motion.

"I came yesterday and spoke to the queen's. We discussed a lot and I thought it would be nice to share this moment with you all. I have a few guests coming hence why I have had these 4 extra places.set up. So Nene you will be first. For your dedication to Mei and for the way you treated the 2nd queen I give you this."

Selene waved her arms and in an instance 2 figures stood in front of her. In the next instance she was engulfed by too sets of arms around her. Nene knows this scent. All she did was cry. For the first time I'm years she was being held by her 2 mums.

Selene then carried on and spoke to Mei. I can only do this a few times a century and this is one of those times. Once again  she waved her arms and her mum stood in front of her. Not wasting anytime she threw her arms around her and just like Nene she balled her eyes out. Shou did not know what to do. He looked at Selene and all she did was nod her head. Shou then looked at Ume and she also nodded her head. With that shou wrapped  his arms around them both and started to cry him self.

"Yuzu, for the pain I have put you through. You deserve this more than anyone."

For the last time. Selene waved her hands. But Yuzu did not see anyone standing in front of her. All she felt was a big pair of hands cover her eyes and voice whispered in her ear.

"Hello, fire cracker."

Yuzu fell to the floor. If everyone else was crying she was a a complete wreck. She felt to big arms wrap around her. She looked up and she her papa. Ume was on the floor with them both with Yuzu trapped in the middle she was hugged tightly by her papa and her mama. It has been a dream of hers for the longest time to have both her parents with her. No matter how long she had with him she would enjoy herslef to the fullest.


I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry for not updating. Doing 72 hours a week at work is doing my head in. This is a draft but wanted to post it.

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