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    This book will feel entirely out of order, as it is not meant to be read alike common novels.
This is rather an insight into my thoughts, and my opinions on the world around me that I would like to share with you.
Feel free to pick up and leave off anywhere as the parts in this book are not in any way: alphabetically, chronologically, or even logically ordered.
First I must state, that I have never, in any way been religious. Not necessarily out of avoidance, rather I have used my time to observe the aspects of human nature, and over the course of my existence I have witnessed firsthand how our individuality speaks, how our community's support, but most regretfully how our governing body deceives.

Too often has there occurred some coincidental situation where "they" benefit off the backs of the public. Too often has the public been subject to consequences of the actions of its leaders. Too often have I witnessed wrongful use of authority. Too often has the innocence been stripped away from the youth. The worlds most powerful, showing their true colors.

I cannot say how the world should be ran, for I do not believe it should be governed.
A self governing society is my preferred solution, the weight of the world should not rest on any singular person entirely, nor should anyone have that power.
But I guess through my ideology it's none other than my own fault.
For I am you, you are me, as us are we.
Acceptance is nothing new for me, I've learned over the years to flow with the energy of the universe, if that makes sense.
"roll with the punches" - depicts opposing the natural flow
"Go with the flow"
Our weakness, or vulnerabilities, through perseverance become our strengths, therefor,
our potential is limitless.

(Vulnerability~ c. 1600, late latin vulnerabilis "wounding" )
{wounded - abilities}

    To follow my train of thought will become a daunting task, bear with me.

I Believe it to be true, that
Everything stems from the collective consciousness
Thus all is one, vice versa.
For Individuality being the very basis of the illusion.
~Think of the following terms as described throughout the text~
(Consciousness- the eternal entity which projects reality relative to the perception of its constituents)
(Mind- an individualized extension of the eternal consciousness)
(Body- an individual vessel of the Mind which allows access to experience the physical world)
Thus collectively all is known, And nothing is truly lost or forgotten
Life is the gift of experience, seemingly individual in nature but cosmically connected and intertwined.
Take nothing for granted
Perception is Key
Mind, Body, & Soul

The mind itself is an illusion, giving us the ability to perceive reality from a singular point of view alongside a seemingly endless multitude of simultaneous perceptions that alter our very reality as we project it around us.

Given this information, without an agreed upon assortment of "facts" reality would be catastrophic to say the least.

The fundamentals of reality seem quite simple, and legitimate, and the restraints of gravity apply in every way described in the basic teachings of gravitational forces. Yet seemingly enough we have witnessed crafts that defy and disprove our "facts." Rendering our "knowledge" useless.

An intriguing theory proposed within the statement "collectively all is known, and nothing is truly lost or forgotten" is that our individualized extensions of the collective consciousness, could have a two way connection to information. This information would most likely be forbidden knowledge, or perhaps a dormant skill we possess.

The body is a vessel, for which the mind inhabits.
Therefore "My" body is not mine but merely borrowed matter from the physical world.
Any living organism with the ability to intervene in the natural process, possess' a mind.

In the theory of reincarnation, I believe it to be true that with belief comes reality, meaning
if one's mind has internalized the idea of possibility, actuality follows.
So Theoretically, if I believed in reincarnation enough to manifest it into reality, then when I passed on, my mind would still join/assimilate with the collective consciousness, but with the determination to contain my "soul" within for reintegration to reality.
Ancillary's constructed with the freedom to experience, yet
Desperate to uncover some underlying purpose to their existence, lead to an endless trudge of uncertainty.
    possession is an odd word when you think the way I do, for everything is merely borrowed and will one day return to the ashes from whence it came.
Knowing that we are constantly evolving, we are programming the future generations DNA every second of every day to be a mold of our genetic makeup with a mind capable of more than its predecessor.
    The ability to alter ones future can be seen as the power of "god" bestowed upon that individual. Though every human has the ability to affect the outcome of their future, that doesn't entitle us control over our outcome but instead suggests that we are limitless in creation.
I believe it to be true,
You will have everything you need in life
If need never leads to greed.
It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts, I encourage you to do the same!
Comment, constructively criticize, leave whatever thoughts you feel necessary!
(If you have personal inquiries, please feel free to message me personally, to leave unnecessary exposure aside)
Wishing you, your peace of mind.
~ Izzy

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