•Chapter 57•

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It felt like they had been fighting for hours as more men just kept coming. They were getting exhausted but nothing would stop them from fighting to officially take the enemy down.

"You guys are gonna have to split up again. I'd suggest either Mark or Taeyong going to find the leader of Seventeen while the others create a diversion because you don't have enough time. Chenle will be setting off the grenades are exactly noon," Renjun stated.

"Copy. We need WayV now!" Taeyong firmly said, tussling with one of the men.

Donghyuck ran over to Mark who was grabbing his soulmate and hitting him back. Donghyuck impaled his dagger right through the man's back, the man spitting up blood before falling and sliding off the dagger.

"I gotchu from here. Now go!" Donghyuck assured as Mark lingered their eye contact for a while, the older swiping the blood off of the younger's face quickly before nodding and running off to the leader of Seventeen's location.

Donghyuck followed behind Mark to make sure no one came out of nowhere to attack him.

Taeyong turned his head in the middle of drop kicking another man, seeing Mark and his soulmate run towards the leader's office.

"Shit," he whispered to himself, shooting the man he had kicked.

"Someone give me a time check," Taeyong asked.

"Eleven in the morning exactly," Jungwoo answered.

They had been there before the sun even risen and now it is about to be mid day soon—five hours seeming like thirty minutes.

The members of WayV entered and began to hop in the mix of blood and sweat, bullet shots flying around the building.

Mark ran down the hallway, Donghyuck closely following. The older ran with his gun in his hand, aiming to shot those who got in his way.

Donghyuck checked back to make sure no one that was not a NCT member was following them.

"Renjun is the door unlocked?" Mark asked, stopping in his tracks when another group of four people transferred from the corner.

"Yes, just kick that shit down," Renjun instructed. "Donghyuck, behind you!"

Donghyuck turned around again, his back pressed against Mark's back as the two of them eyed those in front of them closely.

It felt so unreal, almost as if the two of them were living in a movie or a book.

Taking one man in a headlock, Mark used him as a steady ground to jump up and back kick one of the other men that kept running towards him down.

He then grabbed another man that tried, smashing the man's head and the other one that is in his headlock together.

Mark pulled out his pistol, shooting all three bodies as the last man discreetly kicked Mark's gun out of his hand which made it go flying.

Donghyuck on the other hand just finished stabbing someone to death as another man came after him.

He eyed the gun on the floor, snatching it as he aimed it at the other. He was not sure how it worked but he guessed putting his finger on the trigger was enough.

His hands were the opposite of steady. They were shaking and he was afraid to use this weapon.

He had worked with guns only once with Mark, too afraid to work with them again because he was scared he would aim incorrectly.

It was something Mark had to work with the younger on so he can become familiarized with it.

Though, he did not have much time to be scared so with his eyes secured on his target, he pulled the trigger as his eyes tightly shut.

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