•Chapter 40•

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Donghyuck had woken up and for the first time, he had still been in Mark's arms. He felt his hair being messed with gently as he tiredly looked up at Mark who was staring down at him.

"Good morning," Mark greeted, his voice raspy from having not spoken since he got up which made Donghyuck's cheeks blush.

Donghyuck rubbed his eyes with the back of his palms—Mark thought he looked like a cute baby—as he answered. "G'morning."

The younger slipped an arm over Mark's torso, burying his face in the older's chest as he inhaled his addictive scent.

"Thank you," Donghyuck mumbled against Mark's skin.

The older hummed, sending vibrations on his chest that Donghyuck felt. "What for?"

For being gentle with him at times.

For being patient.

For giving him a chance.

For being his soulmate.

For protecting him.

For everything.

Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders, "For still being here with me."

Mark's confused eyes attempted to soften—which they have been doing a lot more recently because of his soulmate.

"I'll always be here for you," Mark responded.

There was a silence, a comfortable one at that, while Mark continued to intertwine his fingers with Donghyuck's fluffy soft hair.

"Minhyung?" Donghyuck called out as Mark hummed in acknowledgment. "I really like you."

Mark froze for a second, instantly regaining his composure. Though, he could not help his heart from pounding through his chest which he wants his soulmate to feel.

"Yeah? Well guess what?" Mark questioningly asked.

Donghyuck pushed his face back to stare at the older with expectant eyes which sparkled because of the dimly lit room. "What?"

"I like you a whole lot more," Mark truthfully confessed which made Donghyuck's cheeks dust pink. "I know I don't always show it but I've been trying to. I really do like you and not just because you're my soulmate."

Donghyuck felt his his body shake as he buried his face back into Mark's chest to hide his blush.

"You're a pain in my ass but I do love you," Mark admitted with a giggle, not realizing he said 'love' instead.

Donghyuck sucked in his breath, choking on air as Mark patted his back lightly.

"You okay?" Mark worriedly asked, sitting himself up to pull the younger to face hin on his lap.

Donghyuck's face was red and his eyes were watering from choking—and also because he was happy that Mark admitted his love for him.

The younger nodded his head shyly, looking away from the older.

"Where's my little sassy baby at, hmm? Why's he so shy?" Mark teased the younger who slouched on his lap.

"Give me a kiss," Donghyuck sulked with a pout as Mark giggled, lifting his chin to attach their lips together.

Donghyuck circled his arms around Mark's neck as he pulled away to lean his head on the older's shoulder.

"I can be very clingy so if you ever want to be alone, just tell me. I don't want to invade your personal life," Donghyuck said as he placed small butterfly kisses against Mark's neck.

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