"Don't tell me how I feel!" he yelled. I pulled the phone away from my ear. He had always gotten loud quickly. "I fucking loved you, and I still do!"

"Then why in the hell did you cheat on me?" I yelled back, matching his tone.

"I wanted to have a few last flings before we got married," he said quietly. That was it. That was the final straw.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I screeched, probably sounding like I belonged in the psych ward.

"Elle, look at the calendar," Tyler softly demanded.

"Why in the hell would I look at the fucking calendar?"

"Just do it."

I rolled my eyes and looked at the date on my phone. June 14th.

"What about it?" I sighed angrily. I definitely wasn't done yelling at him. No where near.

"Today's our wedding day, babe," he said softly. "Come home. We can still get married. We'll go to the courthouse, sign the papers, and leave."

"No! No! No!" I yelled.


I cut him off immediately.

"I am NOT your babe! Today doesn't mean shit to me anymore! You threw that away when you made the fucking choice to have ten flings! The last thing in the entire world that I want to do is marry you. Fuck off, Tyler," I ranted before hitting the small red hang up button. I threw my phone onto the ground, not really giving a flying shit if it was broken or not. It was time for an upgrade anyways.

I found myself struggling to breathe as the tears began to flow, fast and hard. My mouth felt like it was being pried open as I tried miserably to fill my lungs. Strangled noises were coming from somewhere deep in my throat. The wave of pain and sadness wasn't just a wave, it was a tsunami. It crashed into me and knocked all of my protection down.

I was alone, vulnerable, and I couldn't fucking breathe.

"Eleanor, holy shit," Jamie breathed as he came into the room. He threw the room key onto the kitchen counter and dashed over to the couch. I could hardly see him, everything was a blur with my tears. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my body, gently pulling me into him. He placed one hand on the side of my hand, bringing it down onto his shoulder.

"What happened?" he whispered, slowly rocking us back and forth. I couldn't speak. My throat constricted every time I tried. "Okay, okay, don't answer that. Shhhhh."

He remained silent, just rocking me back and forth like a baby. It felt good to just be held.

"Deep breaths, darling," he whispered, his voice soothing me. I'm not sure how long it took for me calm myself down, but Jamie held me for however long it was. I'd never felt more cared more. "Want to tell me what happened?"

"Tyler called," I said quietly, my head still against his shoulder. "He was wanting to know where I was. He told me he loved me and that he just wanted to have some fun before we got married."

Jamie heaved a long, heavy sigh.

"Do you want me to take care of it?" he asked softly.

"It was today, Jamie."

"What was?" he questioned, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Our wedding..... It was supposed to be today," I explained, one last stray tear sliding down my cheek. Jamie frowned and heaved another sigh.

"Do you want me to take care of it?" he asked again, his voice still soft but persistent. I lifted my head so I could look him in the eye.

"I don't want you to ruin your friendship with him," I replied. Jamie gave a small, sad smile.

"First of all, him and I were already on the rocky side. Second of all, I'm not going to do anything ridiculous. You know that."

Another stupid tear fell from my eye, and Jamie moved his hand to wipe it away.

"You don't have to do this," I whispered, looking up at him as he grabbed his phone. I climbed off of his lap and brought my knees up to my chest.

"I really do have to do this," he replied. There was something behind his words. It wasn't just for me, it was for him. He needed to work things out with Tyler, and I respected that. I actually wanted them to stay friends. I refused to be the girl who broke up the dynamic duo of Dallas.

I sat consumed in my thoughts as Jamie spoke with Tyler in the other room behind the closed door. Every once in a while, Jamie would raise his voice, but it usually went right back down to where I couldn't hear. I honestly didn't even want to know the conversation. That was their business.

An hour or so later, Jamie emerged from the room, a soft smile on his lips.

"Everything alright?" I questioned. He came over and sat next to me, placing his hand on my knee.

"Everything is good," his replied. His eyes were sparkling and excited. "Everything is good."

Chasing the Stars {Jamie Benn}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz