"Yes... father"

He clenched his fists instead of clenching his jaw while calling him.

"So what did you decide son?"

"You know"

His father glared at him, while his mom looked at the father-son duo with a "done" look.

"Jimin. Is it hard for you to get married?"

"Yes. Especially when I don't like such things"

"It's not a thing Jimin"

His mother finally spoke up causing Jimin's eyes to fall on her as he shut his mouth, not cause he was speechless, but cause he respects her.

"It's a relationship. A bond. Where two souls become one. Two lives, two dreams, two fates becomes one"

Jimin sighed, he doesn't care or believe in such words together in one sentence.

"Besides, we're getting old, we want to see our grandkids soon before our death"

Mrs. Park nodded as Jimin glared at his father who talked about grandkids, cause he knew now his mother was also going to push him.

"Ask Rosè then"

His parents looked at him in disbelief.

"She's 17"

"Who knows ma? She might already have a baby"


His father warned him.

"I'm not getting married whatsoever"

He stood up to leave-

"Fine then, I guess we'd have to call your grandfather"

Jimin froze, his eyes widened a bit on hearing his father's words.

Not that man...

"You wouldn't"

"Then just listen to us or else we'll make grandfather talk to you"

Jimin gritted his teeth, glaring at his father who was smirking at him, he left the mansion, closing the door with a thud, his mother tried following behind him, but the young man had already left the premises.

"Look what you did"

The woman glared at her husband who chuckled seeing her cute glare.

"I didn't do anything hun... you know that it's our family tradition to get married at the age of 26 and now he's 27, he dragged this tradition for too long already, if he dragged this matter more then my father would anyways have to get involved"

Mrs. Park sadly looked at the untouched plate of her son as he smiled, "Don't worry dear, I had already sent a parcel with Ray"

She smiled at him and mouthed, "Thank you"

He smirked

"Only words?"

She rolled her eyes while a slight baby pink tint was forming on her cheeks, she stood up trying to hide the heat forming on her face and left to the kitchen the dishes, her husband following behind.


"You're 23 now Anika, we wanted you to get married at 21, but you insisted on doing job and now look, you're a writer now, but it's enough. Get married"


"No more words Anika"

Her dad's stern voice stopped her from saying anything.

"I'm looking for the right guy and when I find him, I won't waste a second more to get him married to you"

Anika looked down, tears brimming on the edge of her eyes, she didn't want this, she didn't believe that romantic love was for her, she just couldn't feel any romantic feelings for anyone, she didn't know how to differentiate attraction and love, nor crush to true love, she didn't know.

"Go sleep now"

Anika got up from the couch, walking up the stairs, her tears one by one fell on the steps, she didn't want to get married, she was Queen of introverts, had a very small friends circle, not that no one liked her, everyone adored, a cute and naive woman who everyone could easily mistaken as a baby if they actually get to know her, her beauty had tons of men get a crush on her, but she doesn't get close to any men, not even a single eye-contact, and the ones that she was friends with from when she was 4-6 years old, their crush didn't last long for her, cause she had that bright side, the side that made her feel like a cute sister to all the boys as they all were protective of her, and she didn't hate it, why would she? She was glad, even she didn't want to fall for anyone but her future husband, but when it came to the moment, she was scared, the world was a scary place, she hates getting out of her comfort zone, who likes it anyways?

She just wants to stay home, among the same faces and just do her favorite work quietly.

Watched a lot of movies, dramas and seen a lot of reality making her believe that not all relationships are beautiful, and the biggest example was of her parents.

She shook her head, her soft palms wiping the tears that had fallen on her cheeks before looking at the mirror, she cried, so silently, she didn't like it when others heard her cries, many say that crying doesn't mean your weak, but she didn't believe it, she couldn't cause that's what her brother and mother called her whenever she cried.

No one could say that she lives in a toxic family, cause she doesn't, at least not always, her family loves her and she too knew that, but at times, they forget that, and so does she.

She wants to escape from the screams of her parents yelling at each other for even the smallest things, but also wants to be there when they cry after the storm has left, just like the rain hitting the ground, except for the fact that she was always there to wipe their tears away, but for her... same, her hands were only there for her as well.

Looking at the moon, she wished for her father to not find any guy, and she knew that it would be hard, why?

Cause her dad doesn't like any random guy, he likes a decent guy, decent job, perfect, YES Perfect personality and must not keep strong relations with family, too much more as she sighed in hope, the type of man her father wants... she doesn't even believe that there is such a man as she just slept on the ground while crying.

The walls of her room never knew that they had a owner, cause everything of her was silent, some days she would laugh or talk to her friends but not loudly, awakening the walls as they open their eyes to see their beautiful owner.

Her silence made her seem like the hidden member of the family and no one liked it. Her mother didn't like it cause she too wanted to brag about her children, her father wanted her to be bold and her brother wanted her to be extrovert like he himself while she... she just wanted to be alone yet at the same time... make all her family's wishes true, cause she was sensitive, one small word of hurt or hate to her and she could cry buckets of water.

A hidden soul... is going to be the center of attention?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒 🥀 || 𝐏𝐉𝐌 Where stories live. Discover now