Rowan threw me a look that made me feel stupid for even asking. "You're not a celebrity," she stated. "They aren't going to care about you that much. And I thought you didn't want any attention drawn to yourself, anyway? Don't even go with Theo on the red carpet."

I didn't answer her, trying not to get offended. Rowan's way with words left a lot to be desired. Instead, we walked in silence to the dress section, an awkward atmosphere now hanging over us. Rowan seemed unbothered, of course, but Theo still looked tense. I wondered if he regretted his decision to come here with me. Was he worried someone might recognize him? Maybe it would be best if I finished up here quickly.

"You said you wanted our outfits to match, right? But aren't you just wearing a black suit?" I asked Theo as we wandered through the clothing racks, unsure of what I should be looking for.

"I'm wearing maroon," he said, watching as Rowan picked up a floor-length black dress. "I think you should wear a lighter color."

Rowan put the black dress back. "I'm thinking white, but I'm worried she's too pale to pull it off."

I couldn't even be offended by that. I liked to stay inside. And I didn't see the point in getting a fake tan, either.

"Cream should work," Theo said, stepping up to one of the racks, and sorting through the dresses.

Rowan studied me for a moment, her arms folded over her chest, eyebrows furrowed. "I suppose that would look good with maroon, too. Maisie, do you have any insecurities?"

I blinked at her. "...You're just going to ask me right out like that?"

"So I can avoid them."

I pointed at my face. "What if it's all of me?"

"I could give you a paper bag for your head, but you'd still have to wear a dress," she told me, smirking.

Theo sighed. "Rowan."

"I'll wear whatever you put me in," I told her. "Just choose what you think is best."

Rowan considered this. "Okay. Give me a few minutes. What size are you in dresses?"

"Medium?" I guessed.

"A number, Maisie."

"My pants size is six?" I offered.

Rowan closed her eyes for a moment, rubbing her forehead. "Okay. I guess I can work with that."

Rowan stalked off on her own and I started to follow but stopped when Theo didn't move. "Are we supposed to follow her?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "Rowan can handle it. Unless you want to."

"I'm okay here," I said, veering my course to the nearest selection of dresses. "She seems fashionable. I'll trust her choices."

"She is," Theo agreed. "Sometimes she fights with my stylist. And wins."

"How did you meet her?" I asked to make conversation, picking up a dress at random, and then balking at how short the hem was. Would that even cover my butt cheeks? I suddenly regretted not giving any input to Rowan.

Theo moved closer to me, his hands in his jacket pockets. "We went to school together."

"I imagine she ran that school..."

Theo's eyes crinkled a little and I wondered if he was smiling under his mask. "She was popular, yes."

I selected another dress, this one significantly longer than the last, and with long sleeves. "Can I wear long sleeves?"

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