Chapter 3

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Before you read, I would like to just address something I shouldn't have done in my previous chapter

I should not have joked about the characters in this fanfic being drunk, and I apologise for what I've done

I will remove it when I get a chance

My sincerest apologies,

- Mafui


Rui Kamishiro's Journal

"Rui-kun, I didn't know you knew this idiot too." I turned around to see Nene-chan behind me.
"Oh! Do you mean Tsukasa-kun? " I questioned.
"Who else would I be talking about? We both go to the same drama club, and he won't stop pestering me, asking me stupid questions like what technique he should use or what role he should audition for or what pose he should use when performing this line and so on."
"Oh, does he? He doesn't act like that around me."
"Yeah, that's because he likes you." She muttered under her breath.
"He what, sorry?"
"I didn't mean it in a gay way, Rui. I know what you're thinking."
"Eh? I'm not gay Nene."
"Sure, whatever." And with that, she walked off into the hallway.


Nene Kusanagi's POV

Messages with Mizuki Akiyama

Nene :

Mizuki :

Nene :
Rui is actually so gay omd

Mizuki :
Oh yeah ofc
But for who?

Nene :
The guy who made me come to this stupid school party thing 💀💀

Mizuki :

Nene :
But in all honesty idrc if they get together I've got my eyes on someone else anyways :p

Mizuki :
I can see you've read the test :/
I hate autocorrect omg

Nene :
I ain't telling you

Mizuki :
Why not

Nene :
Bc I don't wanna

Mizuki :
Aww, but Nene-chan~
You know you can trust me 🥺🥺

Nene :
Go away

Mizuki :

I put my phone away to check my surroundings

No Tsukasa in sight?


I started walking up to Akito and Toya in the nearby corridor when I was suddenly interrupted by someone.

"HI THERE~☆ I'm Emu!! What would your name be?"

I just stood there in shock. How on earth could this girl have so much energy?

"Oh uhm, hi, I'm Nene Kusa-"

"*GASP* REALLY!? It's really you?? I've heard so much about you from Tsukasa-kun!!"

Great, I really wanted to hear that name right now.

"He's said so many amazing things about you!! He says you're an amazing actress! You always know exactly how to act no matter what role you're given. You know not to beat yourself up about mistakes and always learn from them. He also says you have the voice of an absolute godess!! Your voice is so angelic, sweet and soft, sometimes he starts tearing up when you perform!! And on top of all that, you're absolutely stunning!!! Your eyes sparkle with passion whenever you're on stage, and your hair always looks perfect. He's pretty much convinced that you've never had a bad hair day. I wish someone idolised me as much as he does you!!"

I just stood there. Stunned. Is that really what he thought of me? Every word of it?

I felt horrible.

I felt like a fool.

This whole time, he wasn't trying to irritate me. But instead instead just asking for advice on how to improve.

I frantically ran out of the room.


I just ignored her, I had to find him. I had to.

I searched every room, every hallway, every corridor until the only place left to check was the roof. And lone and behold, there he was, practising his script.


He lifted his head as he heard his name.

"Hmm? Nene-chan, are you alri-"

"Tsukasa-kun I'm so sorry for how I've treated you these past few months, I've no idea what's gotten into me and I-"

"Shh, sh. Calm down, its alright" He cut me off mid sentence. He place one hand on my cheek and used the other to wipe away my tears.

"Nene-chan, I don't think you understand just how much you mean to me."

As I started to stop crying, he lifted my head as he looked me in the eyes.

"Oh Nene, what am I gonna do with you, eh?"

I just sort of shrugged as I looked down at the ground.

"Maybe this will make you feel better." And that was when he kissed me. It was a small peck on the cheek, sure, but it was still comforting, yet confusing.

"But...I thought you were gay for Rui?"
"Rui's gay for me, don't get it mixed."

We both laughed at his remark.

"See? You're laughing now it did work!!"
" Yeah, you're right!!"

We just stood for a while, in silence. Though it felt comfortable, safe.

"Do you want to go sleep downstairs now? I'm starting to get tired."
"Yeah that sounds good."

And so we did, we went downstairs, and fell asleep.



I'll probably read this later and realise it's super cringe but ok

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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