Leon adopted a thoughtful look then nodded, "Okay. That'd be fine." He said as he prepares to learn what the others already have learned when they first arrived.


Speaking of the others, they were all gathered in the common area where after being given the news of the pregnancies, Striga was the loudest voices that could be heard. "YES! THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS!"

"I am happy to hear about this news, Master." Isaac said with a rare smile on his face.

The others smiled as Hector was now seen thinking out loud, "What shall be their companions? Hmm, a large cat would be good but not when they're still babes... perhaps a wolf. Yes, when bonded they will be loyal friends and protectors."

Lenore could only giggle and give a soft smile towards Hector thinking of what animal companions to give the unborn children.

"I do thank you all for your celebrations, it means everything to us." Dracula said with an arm around both Lisa and Willow.

Striga was on cloud 9 as she was having her dream play out in her head, "Yes! I shall help train them into the strongest warriors! I'll even carry them on my shoulders as they call me Aunty Striga!" She was crying tears of joy at such a scene in her mind while Morana just sighed with a smile.

"Just don't hurt them like you did with poor Harry." Greta said to her.

Striga, for her part, acted scandalized, "I would never!" Which was met with an entire room of deadpan stares, including the baby beaver resting on Lenore's head and even Princess the panther.

"Striga, I say this as a warrior and as a father. You must learn to control your own strength. Especially if you intend to become our children's trainer. I will not see them unnecessarily harmed. Am I understood?" Dracula asked her with a critical stare.

She bowed her head while slamming her fist over her heart. "Yes my Lord!"

Lisa smiles as she claps her hands. "Good! Now shall we gather and discuss what we wish to do to improve not only those of our magic users but also politics."

Trevor huffed as he stood up, "Well I'll be at the Firing Range."

Isaac stood up and joined Trevor, "I will join Belmont as I do wish to try out the double rifle the other Belmont used to kill that giant worm."

The others nodded as they gathered around a round table and sat down.

Sypha spoke up first, "While I agree religion has brought much corruption and strife to the world. We can not deny that faith, if led right, can bring peace. We saw this during the Christmas Truce as the message of peace brought the war to a stop. If only temporarily..."

Morana nods, "I agree with the speaker. What we need is a new movement, one that preaches true honest values not prejudice and hate."

"This will be difficult. The Church has much power and clearly, their faith is unwavering. So how do you destroy over hundreds of years of faith?" Carmilla asked in a philosophical manner.

Willow leaned forward as she added, "From my travels and what I have learned from the Church of the Dragon, Dracula of that world took the core values preached by the bible and used the dragon as a means to show those of the faith. Much like the dragon are strong, pure, and shall never be chained as slaves to the evils of bigotry, the lies of the false Shepherds, or even be blinded by the light of the false faith for which the Church preached."

She leaned back and sighed gently, "Granted on Remnant, religion wasn't big or followed very closely considering we had the bigger problems of the Grimm."

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