Chapter 7 - Boy's Talk

Depuis le début

Sae didn't mind what the student did and just answers the question.

"It's the end of the month, so we're going to have a short test. Please pass these to the back."

The room went quiet and obeyed her instructions. But after receiving the test many students let out a heavy groan.

"Sensei what is this? This is so unfair, I haven't listened to any discussion so we weren't prepared."

But sae-sensei just shrugged off the students complaints and replied.

"Don't say that. This is just for future reference and it will not reflect to your report cards and there's no risk involved so there's no need to worry. But cheating is still not allowed."

This caught my attention and my thoughts began to run wild.

That's odd. Normally, only general grades were reflected in your report card. But the way she phrase it, is she implying that it could be applied in a different way? Maybe I am worrying too much.

As soon as I received the papers I started scanning the contents of it. There were four questions per subject, for a total of twenty. Each question was worth five points, for a total of one hundred points. Most of the questions was easy which was surprising but it all went downhill when I reached the last 3 questions.

Why would they give such difficult questions to a high school first years?

The test difficulty skyrocketed when it came down to the last three questions and I can see some of my classmates having trouble themselves about it.

Well, I guess I'll just solve these problems the same way I did on the entrance exam.

Class ended after the bell rang. I headed towards the cafeteria to get my lunch and surprisingly rimuru didn't bother asking me to go with her again. I got with sudou and his gang and ate lunch together in the Caféteria and everything went well.

"Hey guys. Wanna head to the vending machine over there? I heard there are new batch of soda freshly delivered earlier."

Ike who just finished eating suddenly stood up and slammed the table with an excited expression on his face. While sudou agreed with his suggestion and said.

"Sure. You come with us too Ayankouji."


Was my only reply. We headed straight towards the vending machine and I found out that there were really a lot of new things stored up in there. While i was picking what to get. Ike suddenly told me in a serious tone.

"I'll forgive you if you come out clean Ayanakouji. So tell us straight to the point."

"Tell you what straight?"

He's really confusing me right now.

"Oh come on. Don't give us that. We know that you're dating rimuru-san and don't you dare deny it!"

Dating rimuru? When did that happened?

"And where did you even get that idea?"

"What do you mean. It's so obvious since the beginning of the class you know. She invites you to who knows where and even shared a lunch with you. How can you not be dating?"

Who knows where is just at the convenience store though. And it's not like I want her attention too.

Tensura x COTE: The God and The GeniusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant