(Chapter 2) One less Problem~

Start from the beginning

Oh man he is so precious i just wanna ... no pierce, no dirty thoughts... But-"

Pierce: "Fuck Pierce, stop thinking about that."

Ein stirs a bit.

I cover my mouth. Damn it ,Pierce you nearly woke him up with your bickering! I know you wanna hug him and kiss him and- UGH PIERCE SHUT THE FUCK UP! Pierce thinks to himself.

I look at Ein again. I mean. 

I bite my bottom lip as i blush intensely.

Pierce: "Shit, I just want him."

I sigh as I watch him sleep. I can't believe how much I've grown to care for this guy. I just met this, this, this... Boy who has fallen from heaven i have been blessed!

Pierce quickly removes his hand from Ein's cheek, feeling embarrassed for his moment of weakness. "I, uh, I was just checking if you were okay. You were making some noise in your sleep," Pierce says, trying to cover up his true intentions.

Ein looks at Pierce with a small smile, his innocent eyes shining. "Thank you, Pierce. I appreciate it," he says, placing a hand on Pierce's arm.

Pierce feels a shiver run down his spine at Ein's touch. He can't help but lean in a little closer, wanting to feel more of Ein's warmth.

Ein notices the change in Pierce's demeanor and pulls his hand away, a look of confusion on his face. "Is everything okay?" he asks.

Pierce takes a step back, trying to compose himself. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just... I need to go take care of something. I'll be back later," he says quickly, before turning and leaving the room.

As Pierce walks down the hallway, his mind races with thoughts of Ein. He can't believe how drawn he is to the boy, and he can't stop thinking about how badly he wants to be with him. But he knows that he can't act on those feelings. Ein deserves someone who will treat him with the respect and care that he deserves, and Pierce knows that he can't be that person.

So instead, Pierce pushes his feelings aside and focuses on protecting Ein, even if it means putting his own desires aside. Because at the end of the day, keeping Ein safe is all that really matters

(Next day)

Nameless teacher: "Alright class! We have a new student! Please make him feel welcome!"

Ein: "H-hi! I am Ein... Uhm"

Nameless Teacher: "Is that all you want to say?"

Ein: "I guess."

Nameless Teacher: "Then go sit down."

As Ein walks to his seat I hear some people gushing about him saying how handsome and cute he is. I try to contain my jealousy as I watch the other students eyeing Ein. I know I have no right to feel possessive over Ein, but I can't help it. I want to keep Ein all to myself.

 Damn it, why do they have to stare at him like that? He's mine.

I try to focus on the lesson, but my mind keeps wandering to Ein. I can't help but steal glances at him every few minutes. I then notice that Ein is struggling with the lesson and I can't help but feel the urge to help him.

Pierce: "Hey, Ein. Do you need any help with that?"

Ein: "Oh, um, yes please. I'm having a hard time understanding this."

I move to sit next to Ein and I start to explain the lesson to him. As I speak, I can feel my heart racing. I am so close to Ein and I can't help but feel a surge of emotions. I know I needs to control myself, but it's so hard when Ein is so damn cute.

Pierce: "Is that clear to you now?"

Ein: "Yes, thank you so much. You're really smart, Pierce."

Pierce: (blushing) "Ah, it's nothing really. Just trying to help a friend."

Pierce smiles at Ein, and Ein smiles back at him. Pierce feels his heart skip a beat. He knows he's in trouble.

The bell rings at the signalling break time.

As me and Ein stand up and head out to the court yard. The girls are looking at Pierce in disgust as they see him hanging out with Ein. The girls walk over to them.

Blonde Girl: "Hey! Its Ein right?" The girl smirks at me and then looks back at Ein blushing I can tell this crush the girls have. I take the leader girl away as the other girls gush over him. The leader girl laughs at me saying that he is hers. I clench my fists he is mine!

Blonde girl: "Haha! So back off!"

Pierce: "I can do what I want! And so you should back off!

Blonde girl: "What's your deal? He's just a new kid. You don't even know him that well, so let me have him your just a nobody that no one likes."

Pierce clenches his fists even tighter, his anger rising. He takes a step towards the blonde girl, ready to give her a piece of his mind.

PIerce: "This is your last chance to fuck off..."

Blonde girl: "I think that's not gonna happen." She then walks back to Ein.

(That Night! I lazy...)

I sneak out of the dorm while Ein was Peacefully sleeping. I quietly shut the door since i don't wanna disturb him. I walk to that blonde girls dorm with a knife.

Pierce: "You don't take my baby away."

I break into the girls dorm quietly so i don't wake her roommate up, i walk over to her bed and get the knife out. I then silently stab her in the back.

I check her pulse, she is dead. Who cares? Thats' right not me! I exit the dorm with the knife so i leave no evidence and head back to my dorm with a smile. HE.IS.MINE! I say in my head as I enter my dorm room.

I lay on the bed smiling knowing that there is one less problem for me to take care of.

(1623 WORDS!?) 


I really hope yall are enjoying this! Told ya its gonna get messy~

YouTube channel: Willow Sprinkles

(Its cringey!)

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