❛ :: 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗂𝗋𝖽𝗌

Comenzar desde el principio

That got dark—yikes. Charlie pulled a face at himself.

"You did?" Jeongin finally lifted his head.

Charlie nodded. "I did."

"So you were worse than me? That's a relief. At least I didn't kill any birds." Jeongin sat up, seemingly feeling a lot better knowing he wasn't the only first time bad driver.

Charlie chuckled, nudging him. "You think that's bad? You know my friend, Chaehyun?"

"From NCT?"

"Mhm. During his first attempt at passing his test, he ended up panicking under pressure and accidentally reversed into someone's open garage — how he managed that, I will never know but he refused to move for at least twenty minutes. It wasn't a smooth reverse either, he knocked over three bins, a mailbox as well as a fence."

Now, that wasn't a lie. Chaehyun had sent the pictures in their groupchat — including a video of him sobbing uncontrollably, and then followed it up with a selfie of him and his driving instructor. How he ended up with a license, no one will ever know.

Jeongin couldn't help but laugh.

"So, if you feel bad about this, just remember that you will never be as bad as me and Chae," Charlie assured him, tapping the younger boys knee. They were now leaning against the car.

"Thanks for not getting mad at me..."

Charlie frowned. "You thought I would get mad at you?"

The youngest nodded. "I just crashed the car with us both in it. I would have gotten mad if I was you."

"Getting mad at you won't fix what happened. You're safe and for the most part—unharmed. And that's all that matters to me. The car can be fixed."

Jeongin wrapped his arms around Charlie's torso without earning causing the older boy to groan at the affection. The Maknae held onto him tighter leaving Charlie with no choice but to return the hug, before ruffling Jeongin's hair.

The second Chan pulled up, he was rushing out of the car and kneeling in front of the two, checking them over for injuries.

"Are you both alright?!" The leader grabbed Charlie's face and tilted it to the side, making sure he was unharmed. Grumbling, the older boy jerked his head away and got to his feet.

"I think so," Charlie replied.

Chan peered down at Jeongin questioningly, causing the youngest to nod and stand up with the help of Charlie. "I feel better, Hyung told me how he killed birds on his first try and how his friend, Chaehyun, reversed into a randomers garage."

When the youngest wasn't looking, Chan shot a look towards Charlie. "Birds?" He mouthed, knowing full well that Charlie had passed on his first try.

Charlie shrugged his shoulders, pretending like he didn't know what Jeongin was talking about. Chan couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"Jeongin, go with Chan. I'll sort this mess out."

Jeongin nodded reluctantly, heading towards the passengers side of Chan's car. He would not be getting in the drivers side for a long while yet.

"Killed birds, huh?" Chan asked once Jeongin was out of earshot. "Didn't you pass on your first try?"

Charlie nodded his head. "What the Maknae doesn't know, won't hurt him. After all, you wanted me to be less honest with him."

"You couldn't have come up with something a little less dark?"

Charlie couldn't help but scowl. "You get what you get and you don't get upset. Now scram, Bang. I have a wall to reverse from."

The leader retreated back to his own car with a chuckle. Once the car had backed up and headed off to the dorms, Charlie turned to look at the damage and for the first time since the accident happened, he let his head fall back with slumped shoulders and a heavy sigh.

"This is going to be so expensive."

.. .. .. ..

okay so i couldn't resist mentioning my sweet chaehyunbut it seemed like such a  perfect time to bring him up. i know i updated this book a couple days ago, but i backed myself into a corner with my updates on my other books and can't figure out how to continue them so for now, enjoy my sweet charlie!

also charlie being a sweetheart even though he hates admitting it >>>>

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 🖤

— blue x

❛ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞. 𝗌𝗄𝗓 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora