Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

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A few months Later...

After a few months of living in Scotland together, Steve finally told Peter and Wanda that they can return to New York.

Peter and Wanda's relationship grew throughout the months of living with one another. Wanda's Feelings toward Peter were nothing like she ever dreamed of.

Wanda saw How much he cared for people and how he does anything to protect the people he loves. Ever since Peter and Wanda have been living together Peter has been feeling things he never felt before.

There was something about Wanda that Peter couldn't explain. Throughout Peter's life, he never felt this way about someone before.

Peter loved it when Wanda would smile it felt like the first time in his life he doesn't need to worry about being Spider-Man he can just be Peter Parker. Peter also Loved  How Wanda could relate to him cause they both had similar experiences throughout their lives.

The Thing Peter Loved the Most about Wanda is when she is excited she does this nose scrunch Peter thought it was the cutest thing in the universe.

When they were living in Scotland an unexpected visitor appeared in their penthouse when Peter's spider-sense went off Peter attacked But he immediately started to fly in the air while being choked by no other than Vision.

Wanda came running inside the room they were both in " VISION STOP LET HIM GO" Wanda yelled out.

Vision immediately let go of Peter when he heard the Red head's voice. When Peter was able to breathe again He started to hear Venom's voice in his head saying to attack Vision.

Both Peter and Venom were pissed but Peter was able to control himself to not attack the android. Peter eventually was able to calm the symbiote down.

" What are you doing here Vision" Wanda spoke out " I came to check on you Wanda I want to make sure you were unharmed," Vision said.

Peter was a little threatened by Vision cause of things Wanda told him about Vision But Wanda's feelings toward Vision were completely gone she only sees him as a Friend all those moments she had with Vision were nothing compared to The moments she had with Peter. Wanda still cares about Vision but She does not have romantic feelings for him anymore.

" Well you can see I'm unharmed" Wanda spoke waving her hand to herself. Peter looked at the android to make sure he does nothing " Is there something wrong Spider-man" Vision asked kindly.

" umm No just making sure you don't do anything," Peter told the android.

" I'm not here to harm You or Wanda I just wanted to make sure Wanda was alright" Vision stated to Peter

Peter was suspicious of the red android " NO NO NO DONT TRUST HIM!" Venom yelled in Peter's mind.

Peter stared at Vision for a few moments before speaking " Why should I trust you? What if you Tell Tony our location after you leave ?" " If I was going to tell Mr. Stark your whereabouts I would have already," Vision said sitting on the chair close to him.

" Doesn't Tony have a tracker on you?" Peter asked Vision " I disabled the Tracker weeks ago Mr. Stark doesn't know where I am at the moment" Vision answered.

Peter looked at Wanda and She nodded with one big sigh Peter spoke to Vision
" Ok...My Name is Peter Parker or as Queens knows me your Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man".

" Nice to Meet you, Peter I guess I should be on my way then," Vision said phasing through the ceiling and flying away.

Peter stared at the ceiling where vision phased through " Come on Pete I only have eyes for you" Wanda said cupping his face. Peter stared into Wanda's green eyes not wanting to look away and Wanda pulled Peter into a passionate kiss.

New York 

When Peter and Wanda finally returned to Queens Peter and Wanda went to Peters's apartment and Peter told Wanda that she could stay with him.

" I will be right back I'm going on patrol," Peter said to Wanda "Don't stay out too late Pete," Wanda said wrapping her arms around Peters's neck.

Peter looked at Wanda for a few moments until finally speaking " I won't" Then Peter kissed Wanda and Leaped out the window and Formed his Black suit mid-swing.

Peter was swinging throughout the city looking for any sort of crime. Then Peter sees 4 men robbing an ATM " Finally something good" Peter muttered to himself.

" Ready to Kick Some ass Peter" Venom said in his mind " Hell yea," Peter told Venom.

It was Dark outside so no one saw him coming so Peter walked into the building there were in and leaned on the wall.

" Sup guys? You forgot your PIN Number?" Peter said then all the men look at Peter immediately. " Whoa you're the Avengers what are you guys doing here?" Peter Joked.

Then one of the men in the Iron Man mask aims his gun at Peter But his hand turns into a tentacle and he Grabbed the Gun from him and threw it back at him.

" Thor, Hulk Good to finally meet you guys?" Peter says joking around while the person in the Thor mask tried to attack him but Threw him at the Guy in the Hulk mask.

The Person in the Iron Man mask came running at him but Peter stick to the ceiling with his hand and kicks him in the face. He gets up and tries punching Peter " Iron Man I know we didn't get off on the right track but what are you doing robbing a bank your a Billionaire,"  Peter said dodging all his punches.

Peter caught one of his punches sending him flying toward the person in the Hulk mask.

Peter sees the Person in Captain America's mask with some kind of weapon and Peter launches him at him but he is suspended in mid-air " Oh god this feels so weird" Peter says in a high-pitched tone.

Venom summons a tentacle to hit the Person lifting Peter into the Air but before he could hit him a red energy blast sends the Man flying back.

" Wanda?" Peter whispers getting up from the floor " I thought you would need some help" Wanda said walking next to him.

Then one of them gets and grabs the weapon but Peter webs him to the wall " So how did jerks like you get tech like this" Peter asked jokingly pulling the guy's mask.

Wanda walks next to Peter but Peter's spider-sense goes off and he notices the Person with the Hulk mask turned on another weapon " NO NO NO WAIT WAIT" Peter yelled seeing a purple energy beam get shot out of the weapon.

Peter pushed Wanda out of the way and gets slashed in the arm by the Weapon but luckily Venom heals him.

Both Wanda and Peter get up and Sees Mr. Dilmar Bodega in flames Wanda and Petet rush inside to check if anyone is inside.

Wanda and Peter only find Mr.Dilmar and His cat in the Bodega " You ok?" Peter and Wanda asked and He nods.

Peter swings away with Wanda flying away when they arrived Wanda asks Peter to take off his shirt and he listens and Wanda sees just a few cuts on him and stitches them up.

" You ok," Wanda asks sitting on Peters's bed " Yea you," Peter said and Wanda nods.

Both stare into each other eyes and Wanda pulls Peter into a kiss. Wanda slips her tongue into Peter's mouth with his eyes widening. Peter is now on top of Wanda kissing her neck with soft moans coming from her mouth.

Peter then pulls her into an aggressive passionate kiss with Wanda doing the same.

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