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It was raining when Wilbur woke up. Loud, pitter-pattering not unusual for winter. He opened his eyes with the haziness reserved only for 4am. It wasn't the rain or brewing storm outside that disturbed his slumber, though. It was his parents' loud voices coming from down the hall.

This was unusual. Wilbur's parents never argued and always seemed sickeningly in love. Although, any kind of love would seem sickening to a 5 year-old boy.

He laid in bed for the next few minutes, trying to ignore the noise, before an additional voice joined the racket - a younger, higher, squeakier squealing that pierced through what should have been silence.

Tommy. Probably crying at being woken up.

Eventually, he surrendered and peeled himself away from his nice, warm covers.

Yawning slightly, Wilbur dragged his feet along the hallway, feeling his way along the walls in the dark.

Wilbur got to his parents' room and frowned slightly when he realized his parents weren't in there.

Tommy was though, and he was crying a lot. Wilbur walked over and gently picked up his distressed brother.

Tommy's wailing quietened down after Wilbur shushed him a few times. There. That stopped his head from spinning enough to actually think, now where were his parents?

Wilbur continued down the hallway, Tommy in his arms, looking for the source of his parents' voices.

The search led him to the dining room. His parents were circling each other around the large oak table in the middle.

Wilbur stood in the doorway shocked. Even Tommy seemed to be silent.

He stumbled back, walking into Techno. His older brother must also have been awoken by the racket.

"What are mum and dad arguing about?" Wilbur whispered to his brother, but Techno simply put a finger to his lips.

"Maybe if you're quiet we can find out. I heard something about the police."

"POLICE!?" Techno quickly covered Wilbur's mouth, ceasing his yelling.

Too late. The shouts from the open doorway stopped and both Phil and Kristen turned to look at their three children.

Kristen had a fearful look on her face. Phil looked pissed. There was a broken phone lying smashed in the middle of the table.

The family stared at one another in silence.

"Why are you yelling at each other?" Wilbur eventually asked - voice barely above a whisper.

Kristen gave him a sad smile before Phil spoke.

"She is a traitor, Wilbur. Do you know what we do with traitors?" Wilbur looked at him confused, yet scared about the whole situation.


"We kill them Wilbur."

Wilbur's eyes widened in horror, "K-kill?!?"

Phil smirked, "Techno, be a dear and take Tommy from Wil." Techno did as instructed while Phil handed a gun to his other son.

"Yes, now you know what to do. Now shoot Mommy! Don't disappoint Daddy!"

Wilbur's breath shook. His hands trembled. He started pointing the gun at his mom. The room was dead silent. Not even Tommy was moving.

Tears swelled his mother's eyes, "It's okay Wil," she choked out in barely a whisper, "point it at Mommy. Mommy won't be mad! Mommy will forgive you! Now count to 3 with me and you will pull that trigger so Daddy won't get mad at you!"

"O-okay M-mo–mmy," Wilbur lifted the gun a little more, aiming at his mother as tears blurred his vision.

If his mum was telling him to do it, then it must be ok, right?

"G-good! You are such a good b-boy Wilbur! L-listening to directions! Now count after me! 1..."



Wilbur breathed faster, getting panicked. Dad would never allow him to actually pull the trigger... right?


"Good job dear. Remember Mommy won't get mad at you! Mommy l-loves you! Now...3!"



Wilbur shook in terror as he got covered in blood. His mother's to be exact. He looked to his dad for any sympathy on his face, but all that was on there was a smirk.

Phil ruffled Wilbur's curly brown hair, "Great job Wil! You got that traitor good! You made Daddy proud!"

What?! No- no that wasn't what Wilbur wanted. He wanted his mum. He wanted her smile. Her laugh. Her reassuring words and kind hugs. Not her dead body and blood splattered all over the walls!

Wilbur was disgusted. He didn't feel proud. He ran over to his mom and shook her, hoping she would wake up. She didn't.

"M-mommy!" His cries suddenly got interrupted by sirens and red and blue flashing lights.

"Fucking whore, calling the authorities on me." Phil muttered under his breath, glancing at the smashed phone, before looking at Techno, "Techno, please get a few diapers for Tommy in the nursery."

Techno nodded and took Tommy with him.

Phil carefully took the gun from the floor and placed it back in his pocket. Wilbur didn't even remember dropping it.

"Darling, get off Mommy. We need to leave. You don't want to get into trouble, do you?"

Tears streamed down his face, "NO! I am not leaving her!"

Phil's soft tone turned harsh. "Come on Wilbur, she is dead. You are just getting more of her blood on you—"

"I said no! I am not leaving Mommy!" Phil glared.

"I am not saying it again."

Wilbur stayed.

Phil gritted his teeth as he pried Wilbur's fingers off of the corpse. Wilbur bawled as Phil dragged him to the family fireplace in the living room.

A picture frame capturing his mother's smiling face got knocked off the table. Wilbur quickly snatched it and put it in his pocket. He cut his hand on a glass shard, but at this point this wasn't his biggest worry.

Techno was already there with his baby brother when Phil arrived at the fireplace. Phil pressed one of the bricks, revealing a secret passage. Phil continued dragging Wilbur through the tunnel that night as swat teams and policemen invaded their home.

All they found in the end was the crime scene of their beloved coworker.

Word Count: 960

Happy reading... it's about to get angsty and amazing. As the spectacular collaborator on this I am leaving this note in and hoping Spook doesn't notice ^^


I noticed <3




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