More than High School Pt.2

Start from the beginning

I blinked. "Wait, Tink was real?" 

The other girls exchanged looks of amusement. "Yes, why?" Flora asked. 

I shook my head. "Earth made a movie with her in it. And dozens of books." 

Flora and Musa looked interested. I looked around some more, feeling all of the ambient magic in the air. "So, where do we start?" 

"Why fashion of course!" Stella chirped, and the rest of us suppressed our groans as she dragged us to the nearest dress store. 


After an hour of going through most of the dress shops and girls' clothing stores, we decided to take a break. It was about four o'clock, nearing five, and some of us were getting a little hungry. Stella led us to a cafe she'd been to multiple times. 

The cafe as it turns out was mostly outdoors, with only the kitchen, counter, and door to the bathrooms actually inside. Tables were spread out with chairs and umbrellas (yellow-white striped) in the middle. 

We all chose a seat around the same table and fell into it, laughing. A girl with emerald green hair in a white apron and pink blouse came over, asking us what we wanted from the menu. I picked one up and studied it. 

What? There were only four choices, but each had the weirdest name, along with a list of ingredients on the side. 

Mooka Mokka was coffee (coffee, milk, and sugar). 

Mooka Margarita was lemonade (lemon, sugar, salt, water). 

Salty Mook was a...(salt, expresso, milk) salty coffee? 

And Bitter Mook was a sour, salty coffee (salt, espresso, lemon). 

Weird choices, but I could tell that no one around really cared all that much. I went with a Mooka Margarita, as that was the only one that made sense to me. It's lemonade. 

The waitress came back a minute later with our orders, and then it hit me that I couldn't pay for this, for any of this. I leaned over to Stella. "Stella, I don't have any money." 

She shrugged. "Chill, girl. I got your tab. It's the least I can do since you saved my life." her voice went real quiet at the end there. 

I knew that Musa overheard us, as her eyes went wide, but a warning glance from me meant that she didn't ask. I suspected that she'd interrogate us later. 

We were mostly quiet as we drank. "So, Bloom, how do you like Magix & Alfea so far?" Musa asked instead. 

I shrugged. "I've been both impressed and slightly let down. Kinda hoped to see more magic and less technology, but I am very interested to see how the two were combined." I paused, then added, "As for Alfea, well, Stella can tell you my initial reaction to seeing it." 

Stella burst into snickers. "Her reaction was too funny." I flushed red and glared as Stella eagerly told the others my reaction to seeing and speaking aloud about Alfea. 

"Hey, Bloom. I haven't heard anything about Earth. We all know a bit about the other realms. What's Earth like?" Flora asked. 

I smiled at her before taking a sip. "Well, it's very diverse. Imagine deserts, taigas, savannas, oases, forests, oceans, cities, ruins, landmarks, multiple continents, multiplied governments--each with their own culture and style of ruling their people, and no magic, and you have Earth." 

"And you were there, Stella?" Musa asked, at least making an effort to get along. 

Stella nodded, more excited to talk about my homeworld than the other realms. "Earth has such diverse cultures. Fashion, music, food, meditation, martial arts, militaries, religions, ideals." 

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