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Audrey POV


My dad shouts.
We were close like really close mom would say I was the spiting image of him and I have her height.

DADDY!!, I yell with tears streaming down my face, then BOOM! the bomb exploded.

I wake up sweating, I remember that day clear as night, I'm Audrey Tris and four's daughter, yes the legendary Tris and Four, also known as Four and Six, numbers for names, confused, yes I was too.

They have this thing called a faction system were I'm from.

Erudite :values knowledge

Candor:values honesty

Amity:values kindness(something I struggle with)

Abnegation :values selflessnes

Dauntless:values bravery

Most dauntless tend to be selfish sometimes and very prideful. Both of my parents were dauntless,and they both ranked first in initation.

I was known as little ten sometimes, and I loved dauntless I was sure that was what I was going to pick at the choosing ceremony, the day after the choosing ceremony the war started,and the day after that I was separated from my parents.

Last week was my 17th birthday,the first birthday in 17 I spend without my parents. "IF BABY EVEN THOUGH I HATE YOU I WANNA LOVE YOU!!! " uggg shut up Ariana Grande, I think she was some singer in the 2015's I don't, well gotta go to work.

I put on a black long sleeve shirt, black zip jacket, zipped pants, black MK heels with a gold zipper on the side, and a black and gold MK purse, with red lipstick, Yep, I'm ballin.

I go get in my 2015 Black Mercedes BENZ and head to work. I might be 17 but I'm really independent, I'm not like any of those other drama obsessed girl.

Mess with me and in the end I'll break your neck, case closed.

I hear a honk and look over in the next lane and see Zatch smirking, really he thinks he can win, smh, ok.

I shake my head and the light turns green and WOOSH, WERE OFF.

Zatch is way behind me. Like really he thought he could win, beat me. Audrey Natalie Eaton. He thought.

I zoom into work pass Ethan, Zatch's brother. There not twins just born in the same year. 10 months apart, Zatch came first in January, January 18th. With his brown, blonde hair,tall, with green ey- wait Audrey why are you thinking about him! Your not even dating but he's soooooo cute, this is when my 17 year old hormones kick in an I want to smack myself.

"Beat you hear" I say while getting out of my car, I'm talking to Zatch.

"yeah well I got you something so I wouldn't get so cocky" he says with a smirk on his face, god I love his smirk.

Wait Audrey he got you something, dont just stand there.

He pulls out a pink, black box and says HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, out of no where my best friend Bethany but I call her Beth and Ethan start singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY



I scream at Zatch, this boy can sing oh my god, ANOTHER reason for me to be attracted to him.

I open the box and I see a motherfucking iphone10s. My eyes get big as quarters


"I did says Zatch with a smirk on his face"

I stare at him in awe and then I tackle him in a hug to where he almost falls, and.... I kiss him. Not on the lips but right at the corner of his mouth.

Thankyou I say staring into his eye and he stares right back into my eyes.

Beth coughs, on purpose and says,

"Well let's get to work shall we" "we shall" I say because honestly I'm feeling good today. We go into our super visors room Mr. Tushman, but he says this case is only for me and not the rest of the team so he dismissed them.

"Audrey" Mr. Tushman starts. "now your wondering why I dismissed the rest of your team, now your not in trouble". I realise a breath I didn't realize I was holding, whoo, I can't get fired. I love my job.

"now you've heard of four and Six or Tris right, "

I nod. "well there coming here with there 2 friends.....

Christina and Uriah. I say

He looks at me puzzled, "Ive heard slot about four and tris"

"well your going to be assigned to there case and I want you to help them get out of the mess there in with this Jeanine woman."

"alright well that's all here's there files and your welcome to look up anything about them" Mr. Tushman smiles and I heads back to my office with the files and I see my friends/team standing there with worried faces.

"hey guys don't worry nothing happened I'm not getting fired or anything" the worry basically wipes off there faces and I laugh.

"I mean all the things ice done for this company, pssh he try to fire me and I'm going to make a b*tch about it"

I say with a calm face and we all start laughing, because in a mad situation if I'm calm I'm not nice.

Well guys what do you wanna do.

"ooh ooh let's get tattoos" Ethan said I shooke my head and we all agreed and we went to get tattoos.

I walk in and I immediately know what I'm gonna get. It's in regular thickness, but it's Brave. My dad always told me to be brave.

"I want this one " I say to the guy and he shakes his head and gestures me to sit in the chair so I do so. The pain isn't that bad, but Zatch walks over and holds my hand and says,

"figured you would need some help"
I send him a smile. The guy says I'm done and I notice every one else is so we leave.

"hey what'd you get" Beth asks

"I got brave on the side of my hip"

"let me see, oh I love it"

"thanks what did you get"

"I got a vine going up my hand stopping at my elbow"

"OMG I thought about getting the same thing, but let me see!"

She shows me and I say i might go back and get the same one and she says she doesn't care.

We get back to the office and we split up, so I go to open the files Mr. Tushman gave me and I see the two pictures of the people I never thought I would see again.

My parents.

My eyes water and that day hits me like a bolder and I try not to cry.

So it turns out that there bringing aunt Christina and uncle Zeke, aunt Shauna died in a train accident, and Zeke and Chris just fit together somehow.

There running away from the convergents and it turns out I'm there agent.

BraveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora