16. メ (the truth about henry goldstein)

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HENRY GOLDSTEIN'S CHILDHOOD WAS FAR FROM A TYPICAL ONE. Jacob Goldstein had always wanted a son, someone who could follow in his footsteps and take over the family business one day. And when Johanna gave birth to Henry, he saw his future in his newborn's eyes. From the moment he took his first breath, Henry was groomed for greatness, to become the shining star that would carry on the Goldstein name for generations to come.

Henry was put through a rigorous regime of lessons and activities, designed to make him excel in all areas of life. His parents spared no expense when it came to his education and extracurriculars. Piano, chess, robotics, sports - you name it, he did it, and he excelled at every single one. Still, medal after medal, Henry couldn't shake the feeling that he was never good enough, that he was always striving for something just out of reach.

Jacob Goldstein was a titan of industry, a man who had built his empire from scratch and who expected nothing less than perfection from his son. Henry knew that he was being groomed to take over the family business, and he felt the weight of his father's expectations bearing down on him with every passing day.

As Henry grew older, he became increasingly aware of the sacrifices his parents had made for him. They had poured all their resources into his education and activities, and they had forgone having more children in order to focus on him. Henry felt a deep sense of responsibility to live up to their expectations, to prove that he was worthy of all their sacrifices.

But despite his best efforts, Henry always felt like he was falling short. His father was never satisfied, always pushing him to do more, to be better. Henry began to feel like he was drowning in his own life, suffocated by the weight of his father's expectations.

A tale as old as time.

Henry knew that the bridge to his father's good graces wasn't the grades, or the extracurriculars, or the swim medals. It was Sasha Montgomery. 

He had been infatuated with her for years, ever since they were children. She was beautiful, with long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, and had an air of confidence that Henry found irresistible. Sasha was the daughter of Jacob Goldstein's business partner, and the two families had been somewhat intertwined for generations. 

If Henry married Sasha, it would solidify the MontyGold empire becoming Goldstein only.

Wyatt was a problem, of course. Sasha's younger brother, and he had always been a thorn in Henry's side. Wyatt was a bastard, sure, but he was also smart and driven, and he had a knack for business that made Henry nervous. He knew that Wyatt was a threat to his plans, but he didn't let it bother him too much. He was confident that he could outsmart Wyatt and come out on top. Eventually.

He didn't care that Sasha barely acknowledged him at school, or that she was always surrounded by a gaggle of other kids. All he could think about was how he could win her over and make her his. And he knew that if he could make that happen, he would be one step closer to earning his father's approval.

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