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Bucky was in awe of the beauty surrounding him as looked out of the balcony of Zoe's bedroom in the palace. The healers were attending to her wound and needed to examine her and had shooed both him and Thor out the room. Thor was pacing up and down the length of the balcony. "I should have been there helping her fight that snake, then this wouldn't have happened" snapped Thor bringing his fists down on the banister in frustration. Bucky also felt guilty for not being with Zoe fighting he had been trapped in his own mind fighting of the Winter Solider. "I wasn't much help either that monster almost turned me into the Winter Soldier... I could have ...Hurt her" Bucky stutter bitterly.Thor turns to Bucky "No Bucky I saw you fight it and you won and because of that you got her that shield that helped her defeat Chrysoar" replied Thor slapping Bucky's back.

Bucky just nodded looking out at the vast city before him "This place is really quite breathtaking and very calming" said Bucky with a sigh. Thor sighed and smiled "Yes I agree I sometimes forget how truly amazing this place is" replied Thor. The two men just stood there in silence for few minutes when a voice behind them got their attention they turned to see Frigga Thor's mother standing there. Bucky practically ran to her "Is Zoe going to be okay you're Highness?" he asked with concern his tone. Frigga just shook her head "We have stopped the poison for now but she will definitely need the ambrosia soon or she will.." replied Frigga quietly. Bucky felt his heart drop and it felt like his soul was shattering "No, no I can't lose her" he cried Bucky felt a strong arm catch him not even realizing that his feet had collapsed under him.

Thor guided Bucky towards the door but Bucky stops him  "No I have to see her I am not going anywhere but by her side" shouts Bucky pulling away from Thor. Bucky stands up straight "I am not leaving" says Bucky firmly. Frigga nods "You are a stubborn man Sir James but you must calm down if you are going to around her, She needs peace and calm do I make myself clear" reply's Frigga with a queenly tone. Bucky takes a deep breath and nods "Of course your majesty" Bucky responses with a slight bow. 

Athena walks into the room all eyes turn to her she looks worn and sullen. "Bucky please come she is asking for you" said Athena tensely. Bucky walked quickly over to her "Please take me to her" he pleas. Athena gathers her skirts and walks towards the bedchamber.  Entering the room Bucky sees Zoe laying in a huge four poster bed, her curly dark hair flowing around her. A little bit of sunlight was streaming in and lightly shining on Zoe's face making her have an angelic glow about her. It took his breath away especially when Zoe gave him a weak smile "Hey Bucky" said Zoe in a raspy voice. Bucky was by her side in just few strides "Oh Angel" response Bucky  standing by her bedside. Zoe just looked up at him and saw the worry written all over his face. She reached up for his hand which he grasped tightly "Bucky please sit down you are making me nervous" she says pointing to a chair near her bed. Bucky looked behind him and pulled the chair close to the bed while not letting go of her hand in fear of letting go he might lose her forever. Bucky finally settled he looked into her beautiful eyes that reminded him of cinnamon he just couldn't look away, the way he felt when she looked at him was that he was whole and not broken, no judgement and all trust, no hate and just hope.

Zoe POV a few moments before
Zoe laid in the biggest bed she had ever seen in her life it was beyond comfortable and she was so exhausted and her side was bandaged and it hurt. Her mother had hardly left her side it was hard for Zoe to have all this attention, basically her whole life she had to take care of herself that this was overwhelming with Athena's hovering. She could tell Athena was trying to remain calm but Zoe could tell that she was worried. Zoe watched as Athena was cleaning up breakfast which Zoe hadn't eaten much of. "" Zoe stuttered then fell silent. Athen froze for a second and turn around to face Zoe. "Yes,Owlet?" responded Athena trying to keep a passive look on her face. "Is Bucky near by?" Zoe asked running her hands along the silken comforter. Athena just smiled and nodded "Yes, the man has been pacing back and forth out there in the balcony worried about you my dear, he won't rest and has barely eaten, I don't think he will until he sees that you are alright" replies, Athena.

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