"Milah! Milah!" Rumple shout as he open the door.

"Rumpel?" Milah questioned

"What's his name?" The soon to be dark one aske

"Baelfire." Milah answered

"A strong name!" Rumple exclaimed

(He collapses into a chair due to the pain in his leg.)

"Something he'll need if he's to live with the shame of being your son." Milah fire at him

"What... What are you talking about?" Rumple asks

"Rumpel, is it true?" His wife asks

"Is what true?"

"Did you injure yourself... So that you wouldn't have to fight? So that you would be sent home?" Milah asks her husband angrily

"Who told you that?" Rumple ask concerned

"Everyone! Rumours travel quickly from the front. Rumpel, did you do this to yourself? Did you do it to yourself?!" Milah yells at her husband.

"Yes! A seer told me I was going to die in the battle." The soon to be dark one tells the truth to his wife.

"You did this because a seer told you to do it?" Rumples wife continued to yell at him

"She was right about everything else."
"I left the front to be with you." "You and... Baelfire." Rumple defends himself.

"You left because you were afraid," Milah accused him

"No..." he denied

"You became what everyone thought you were – a coward." Milah tells her husband.

"Stop..." the soon to be dark one begs

"Just like your father!" His wife exclaimed

"I am nothing like my father! He tried to abandon me." "I will never, ever do that to my son." "That's why I did this." "The For him." "All for the boy." "To save him from the same fate I suffered – growing up without a father." Rumplestilkin tried explaining to his wife.

"You sentence him to a fate much worse – growing up as your son." Milah yells at Rumple

"What... What... What else could I do?" Rumple asks heartbrokenly.

"You could have fought, Rumpel." "You could have died." Milah argued

"You don't mean that." "You don't mean that." Rumple says in denial

(Milah hands baby Baelfire to Rumpelstiltskin. She then hastily grabs a bucket and exits through the front door.)

"Oh, it's alright, Bae. It's alright. Your Papa's here. And I promise... I will never, ever leave you." Rumple promises his only son.


–[New York]–

(Neal, Emma, and Mr. Gold are still in the living room of Neal's apartment.)

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