Manhatten part 4

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Emma ended up calling Mary-Margaret, telling her how Rumple son is also Henry father.

While asking her birth mother for some advice, about what she should do, while still not telling Mary-Margaret about the Cassidy twins.


The twins continued to walk with each other, around the block. Waiting to get into there apartment.


(Henry and Mr. Gold are waiting for Emma in the lobby of Neal's apartment building.)

"Why are you so nervous?" Henry asked Mr. Gold. "When I found my mom, I was excited." Henry tells Gold.

"Because I have the benefit of a little experience." "I know that things don't always happen the way we want them to." The dark one explained to the young boy.

"Sure, but in my book, it says that you can see the future." The Mills boys says

"Why can't you just look and see what's going to happen?" Henry questioned.

"Well, that ability is complicated." "I didn't always have it." "And then when I did... Well... It's maybe not the gift one would expect." "Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price." Mr. Gold explains to Henry.

"But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff." "You'd just know." Emma son explains

"But that's the great trap." "The future is like a puzzle... With missing pieces." "Difficult to read. And never, never what you think." The dark one explain to Henry.

Emma walks up to Henry and Mr. Gold.

"Hey" is the first thing that the blonde says, to the two male in front of her

"Did you find him?" Mr.Gold asked sounding hopeful.

"Sorry. Your son... Got away." Emma lies to Rumpel.

Emma briefly see two aurburn haired girls walking into the elevator in side of the apartment. She started to panic slightly but, didn't let anyone know.


(Still in the lobby, Mr. Gold frantically hits all of the buttons on the intercom.)

"Gold, wait." "What are you doing?" Emma asked nervously.

(Someone responds to the buzzer and unlocks the front door.)

"I'm finding my son." Mr.Gold tells Emma and Henry.

"He's gone." The blonde protested

"But he lives here. He'll be back, and I'll be waiting" Gold fired back.

(They arrive at the door of Neal's apartment. Mr. Gold sets to picking the lock.)

"Stop." "You can't just break in." Emma tries to stop him, knowing that Hope and Nikkol were in the apartment.

"Yeah, well, actually, that's something I'm quite adept at." Rumplestiltskin informs the saviour.

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