1. Meeting Sophia.

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Y/n's pov :

'Walking through the woods alone while in a zombie apocalypse isn't really ideal for me, but i guess i can't do anything about it now.'

'I wonder if any of those cars work that are on the highway..'

I was so caught up with my thoughts, that I didnt hear or see the walker that lunged itself at me from the side. I fell to the ground with the walker on top of me. I tried fighting it off with my free hand, while my other hand was roaming through my pockets to see where my knife is.

I quickly grabbed my knife and plunged it into the head of the rotten corpse. It fell dead on the ground and i stood up rather hurriedly.

I turned the walkers body, so it was facing the sky. I searched the walkers ripped clothes for anything useful. Lo and behold I found a switchblade and some matches.

I had a small smile on my lips. It wasnt much, but the items were still better than nothing.

I continued my way towards the highway until..


A little girls screams could be heard from the distance. I hesitated to run, but i ran anyway, i mean there's no way i could leave a little kid alone in a world like this! Not that I would have before. I mean who would ignore a literal child screaming for help?

As my feet were dragging me through the woods, the screams and yells for help could be heard closer and closer.

And soon enough I see a little girl, maybe about 8 or 9 years old, running away from five walkers. I stop in my tracks and think of a plan.

I whistle and catch the attention of two of the walkers. They drag their rotten bodies towards me and i slice their heads off without any problems. I ran after the girl and the three walkers that are left. I threw my knife into one of their heads and it falls lifeless on the ground. I run to the walker and grab my knife. I whistle again and the two walkers left turn to me and start walking towards me with their disgusting arms trying to grab a hold of me.

Unfortunately for me, the other walker somehow managed to tackle me to the ground before I could even react. I reached for my knife in a panic, but then I saw it laying on the ground about five feet away from my reach. I kept the walker away with me forearm and reached for my gun.

I knew it was risky, and that it will most likely attract more walkers here, but it was my only option. I shot the one on top of me first and quickly fired towards the other one that was about to take a bite out of my leg.

'Oh for fucks sake. I forgot I had the switchblade on me too.'

I quickly stand up and see as the little girl watches me with scared eyes. I walk towards the girl slowly and smile at her to show that i'm not dangerous. She takes a few steps back and her back lightly touches a tree. I start speaking. "Hey, don't be scared. Are you bit?" I ask softly. She just shakes her head no. "Okay good.. uhm so what's your name?" I say. She hesitates and tries looking at me for any signs of danger. "I-I'm Sophia." She says quietly.

"Okay, Sophia. I'm Y/n!" I gave her a small smile. "So, what are you doing out here all alone?"

Sophia seems to get sad over the question, but answers anyway. "I got seperated from my group. I'm lost and I dont know where they are" She says with glossy eyes.

The sky was turning into different shades of pink, orange and yellow. "Okay, well uhm" I took a breath and thought about what i should say next. I really didnt want to look after another human being, but I wasnt cruel enough to leave her to die out here. "How about we find a shelter for us for the night and go looking for your group in the morning? how does that sound?"

She thought for a second, but ended up agreeing. She even gave me a small smile, which was good.

She grabbed a hold of my hand and we went on our way to find us a place to stay for the night.

Before it got too dark, Sophia spotted us a cabin we could stay the night in. "Y/n! There's a shack!" I took Sophia's hand and dragged her along with me to check it out. I knocked on the door a few times , but heard nothing, so I opened the door and went in first to make sure it's safe.

I scanned every room in case there was some walkers or people hiding. After i was sure that it was safe, I took a chair and tucked it securely infront of the door and made sure all the windows were locked and the curtains were closed.

"Okay Sophia. You need to sleep now." I told the young girl. "I'm scared, and I miss my mama." My eyes softened at Sophia's words and a sigh left my mouth. "Don't worry. We'll go look for them the first thing tomorrow!" I told her. She just nodded and took my hand. "Can you sleep with me? I dont want to be alone.." Sophia asked quietly. "I cant sleep. I need to keep watch. How about you go get ready on the couch and i'll bring you a blanket and a pillow?" I asked her. She just nodded and ran to the couch.

After a little while, Sophia finally got some sleep. I got up from the floor and went into the kitchen. I searched through the cabinets and drawers for anything useful.

I found some cans of food and a few bottles of water. The water looked a bit... old? dusty? whatever, it's water and we need it. I put the cans and bottles in my bag, expect i left a can of fruits and one of the bottles for Sophia, so she could eat in the morning. Lord knows how long she has been without food or water.

I went back to Sophia and sat on the floor next to the couch. Every now and then I heard her stomach rumble.

The night was going by rather slowly, but eventually I saw the sun rising from above the horizon behind the trees.

"Y/n..?" I heard Sophia say quietly. I turned to her from my position by the window and saw her look around with a worried and scared face, but that quickly changed to relief when her eyes laid on me.

"Good morning little one, sleep well?" I asked with a small smile on my face. She just nodded and sat up from her position. "I left some fruit and water on the table for you." I told her and walked to the kitchen as she followed right on my tail.

She sat on the kitchen stool and started munching on the fruits like there's no tomorrow. "calm down. they wont run away." I said while letting out a small chuckle. She smiled and slowed down a bit.

"Okay Sophia. After you're done eating we're gonna go and try to find your group. that okay with you?" She just nodded at my question while drinking her water.

Sophia quickly got up from the stool and grabbed her doll.

"So, you have any idea where you got seperated from your group?" I asked the little girl. "Umm on a highway." she replies with a small frown.

'a highway. it's not too far away from here'

"Okay then. Let's go!" I say while clapping my hands together. She grabs my hand and off we go.


This isnt proof read so if there's any mistakes let me know!

This is the first chapter omg !!!! I'm sorry if this is rushed and stuff's moving too fast. I'm not too good of a writer. Maybe with time I'll be able to improve my skills!

I got inspiration to this start from the book "secrets untold." which I recommend reading!

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