It was Bismarck, as in the woman, her blonde hair drooping everywhere.

"What are you doing here? You don't have a battlestation! Stay under the deck where it's safe!" Daniel said.

And then, instantly after he said that, blue-dressed sailors started piling out of the door,

She was trying not to be spotted, but at this point it was likely too late.

As the row of sailors got out of the door, they immediately stopped upon realizing they were walking over live HE shells, giving Bismarck time to get out of sight.

"Sch@$$#! Watch where you're going!" One of the sailors cussed.

Daniel just gathered the heavy thirty three pound shells into his hands,

"Agh! Just perfect!" Daniel grunted to himself as he picked himself up.


Cäsar turret fired its huge guns at a siren ship in point blank range.

The High Explosive 15 inch shells ripped the giant alien ship in half.

The High Explosive 15 inch shells ripped the giant alien ship in half

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The shockwave almost knocked Daniel over again.

The giant ripples from the explosion splashed on the side of the vessel, sweeping all kinds off shell casings off the ship.

As the smoke cleared away from the wreckage of the ship, another ship could be seen,

It had two flat decks.

It must be an aircraft carrier or something.....


Almost immediately, his thoughts were answered as more of those strange alien fighter plane things flew overhead.

Daniel peered at the sky, watching the alien plane fly in a circle, at a strangely slow speed for an aircraft that looked like a modern stealth fighter.

The Anti-aircraft armament immediately opened up on it, the twenty millimeter cannons lining the deck and superstructure filling the air with orange tracers.

Daniel almost forgot about his mission from earlier.

He trundled across the soaked decks,

He finally made it to his gun,

"Ammo!" He shouted.

And without a second to spare or greet, Hans yanked a shell right from his hands, and threw it into the gun breech.

Azur Lane: The King of the Ocean Where stories live. Discover now