Chapter 8: You And I Are Over

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*** WARNING: This chapter contains foul language.

***Alright Now Continuation Of Chapter 8...

"I told you to lick it didn't I?" (Finley de'Nahyon, asked)

Finley who sat down on a white chair that had the phoenix bird-craved design as the backdrop accompanied by golden velvet chair cushions.

That high man looking down at the kneeling shivering servant ordered.

It was obvious what had happened, that poor servant had accidentally spilled the red wine on Finley's white dressing pants.

Apparently, Finley hadn't noticed Soo-Ae/Daphne or Henst to even notice them a few feet away.

Finely pointed down at his shoe which had some drops of red wine on top of his glossy black shoe.

"Lick it" (Finley, said)

He glared coldly.

"Or is there not enough?" (Finley, asked)

His lips rose in a side smile and turned to one of the servants standing with the wine bottle and nodded to the serving servant.


Wine pouring.

The servant holding the wine bottle finished pouring the wine and Finley snickered.

He grabbed the cup with more strength as it had filled up with red wine.

His attention finally turned back to the kneeling servant and just as he was about to pour the red wine on top of the kneeling servant's head Soo-Ae/Daphne had moved quick enough to grab Finley's wrist.


Gripping wrist.

"What the? Who dares to-" (Finley, yelled)

Finley turned to look at the person who had held his wrist so arrogantly.

And that person was no other than Soo-Ae/Daphne herself who had come to the rescue.

"Hello, your highness." (Soo-Ae/Daphne, said)

She said with a smiling face and cold eyes as she looked at his black and brown emotion bubble.

'What the hell? What is she doing here?' (Finley's inner thoughts)

'And why is her grip so strong?!' (Finley's inner thoughts)

He was taken aback by her sudden appearance but regained his focus.

"Lady Daphne touching a royal like this is such an insolent action, I understand my father plays favorites but you think I'll let it go after you interrupted my fun?" (Finley, asked)

He furrowed his brows and scrunched his nose as he glared at Soo-Ae/Daphne.

His emotion bubble flashed again black, red, and brown but she ignored his words as if they weren't a thing.

Her lips raised up looking at him as if he was a misbehaved child.

Doing so, Finley frowned even more.

"If you think-" (Finley, yelled)

"Do you know that I bring a word from the emperor?" (Soo-Ae/Daphne, asked)

Soo-Ae/Daphne interrupted him as she asked him without letting go of his wrist.

"So let's talk and dismiss them all now." (Soo-Ae/Daphne, said)

She had now glared at him with an aura of authority finally releasing his wrist and glanced at the servants so Finley could take the hint.

Her eyes turned back to look at him again as she tilted her head and placed her hand tips on her chin looking at him as if he were a stool she could step on.

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