SIXTEEN: princess's princess treatment

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It's hard to believe that only yesterday, she was lying on the hospital bed upon an accident. Now, she was once again in the dressing room, waiting for the real event to happen.

Lucky for her, the doctor's report had noted that she had only fainted due to lack of sleep and no sort of serious disruption in the body had occurred. Although she was recommended to withdraw and stay home to rest, who could stop such an ambitious and stubborn girl?

She was going to get on ice and give it her best, even if she was to faint on stage again.

What a strange girl; reckless but respectable.

Sunghoon had just finished his routine and upon the judge's reaction and his perfect routine, she was sure he was going to take the first place.

As expected from such a flawless figure skater.

Despite their hot and cold relationship where they would usually find ways to insult each other, she knew that they were on good terms. In fact, the insults they give to each other are only jokes to lighten the mood and get to know each other's reactions. She was on his side.

"He was so charismatic!"

"I wish i was part of HYBE as well." She heard a few girls squeal.

She knew Sunghoon was popular and these comments were not known to her. Somewhat, she felt a sense of superiority because she was not only under HYBE but acquaintances with him.

"Oh yeah isn't Meiyon under HYBE?" One of the girls spoke. "The one that fainted yesterday."

"Wow, I was so shocked. Especially when Sunghoon immediately ran to her." The other girl replied. "It was so k-drama of him, but i wonder how she will do today."

As if Meiyon's heart wasnt beating fast enough, she felt nausous in the moment. The butterflies in her stomach had suddenly enlarged 10x and she couldn't tell if they were going to shrink in time. With her self-esteem being damaged due to yesterday's incdent, her confidence was not as per usual.

"She'll be fine." She overheard a male's voice reply.

"Oh Sunghoon! You did so well."

"Thank you." He chuckled and just as Meiyon was waiting for the next response, she flinched upon the door of her dressing roomm opening.

"Hey." He greeted her before taking a seat beside her on the couch. Out of every seat in such a large dressing room for two, he chose to sit beside her. It didn't help with the fact Coach Yoon had stepped out to catch up with the other coaches.

"Hey." She smiled. "You were really good there."

"Good enough to impress you?"

"A little." She chuckled at his reply. "Well aren't you popular. I overheard so many girls talking about you already."

"Old news." He shrugged before taking a sip of water. "I could say the same for you."

"Yeah because i literally fainted yesterday in front of everyone." Meiyon groaned in embarrassment.

"Oh, that too." He spoke. "But i heard many talking about your 'princess-like' visuals."


"Why are you surprised."

"I don't think i'm that-"

"Me when i lie." He stretched out. "Hate to admit but I've got to agree."

"Wait huh?"

"About you being pretty." He suddenly turned away and spoke softer. "Can't believe you made me say it out loud."

Of course, Meiyon was shocked.

Out of everyone, Sunghoon was the last person she would expect to find her attractive. Not because of their odd relationship, but rather because he, himself, had the best visual she had ever seen in real life. He looked as good as the actors and idols on stage. So upon hearing his compliment, Meiyon couldn't help but blush.

"W-what." She stood up to grab her bottle of water. "Thank you. You're not bad either."

"I know." He smirked egotistically. Although he was the shy one before, his pride was saved upon seeing her cute reaction.

Coach Yoon had finally come back and was telling Meiyon to get her skates on. She was going to be on stage in less than 5 minutes.

"Don't stress Mei, you will absolutely eat the stage up."

"Wow, when did you add that to your vocabulary." Meiyon laughed at the choice of words her coach used.

"Heard too many skaters say it." Coach then turned to Sunghoon. "Sunghoon you did really well, as always."

"Thank you."

"Now please help her put her skates on."

"Huh? No, it's alright. I can put them on myself." Meiyon was still flustered by his compliment.

Expecting him to be against her order, Sunghoon wordlessly gestured for her to sit down on the couch again before crouching down to tie her skates.

"What's with you?" Coach Yoon smirked as she was also surprised by his lack of argument.

"Just giving this princess-like-looking girl princess treatment." He chuckled. "Right?"


Before leaving the dressing room, she felt her hand being pulled refraining her from leaving.

"Yes?" Meiyon, despite having her skates on, was still slightly shorter than Sunghoon looked up.

"Relax." He gently laid his hand on her head.

"What is this?" She laughed.

"Transferring my good luck to you."

"Good luck received." She smiled.

"I'll be waiting for you at the podium, Mei." Sunghoon removed his hand before squishing her cheeks delicately.

"Of course." She cracked a smile.

"OKAY LOVE BIRDS LETS GET MOVING." Coach Yoon was partially too shocked to process what was going on in front of her.

/12/23--> thinking of redying my hair again to red

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