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The beautiful bakery in the middle of New York is bustling with people. Sounds make it very lively, but only two people are focused on the viewpoint. Stephanie and Hunter, both chosen by fate to be together. Both were lonely and trapped in work and life they could no longer enjoy. Before fate interfered.

Not far from the bakery where they both first met, three people sat together at a table in an empty bar that would open much later. "Did it work out?" A woman with blond hair speaks up from the quiet that comprises the bar. "Yes," replies the red-haired woman sitting across from the blonde woman. The only man at the table looks at both women, nodding approvingly at them. "We did it," says the man looking at the wall above the bar where a large picture of a cab hangs, his cab. "Well done girls." Both of them look as if also looking up at the same picture as the old man. The man who is the driver of the famous legendary cab is so proud of his complete duties for years, now.

Years he drove to help two people find each other who would never find their equal partner in life. People unable to help themselves. You could call him a kind of Cupid if you wanted to call it that. "I told you to, lead them to that bakery, didn't I." The red-haired girl, rolls her eyes at her blonde friend who wants to take credit.

"Helena, stop it, we know you helped." snarls the redhead at her, no longer taking her bullshit. "Please girls, we did a great job, that's all there is to say. Get back to work." The man cannot deal with them today, he feels there are many more people he needs to help. He can no longer ignore his calling. His mission in life, no longer, ignoring it.


Both women continue to argue with each other while the man, who drives the cab gets out of the bar. "It's your fault." They both keep shouting at each other as the door of the bar closes, and the cab driver steps to his cab, but before he can do so, someone stops him.

He looks at the man in front of him. The man he suddenly recognizes from years ago. "Thanks." Says the man with his black hair with strands of gray through it to the cab driver. "Son, how are you?" Starts the cab driver talking to an older Hunter who continues to stare at him happily."You saved me. I don't know how you did it, but you made my life full." Hunter wraps his arms around the wrinkled-faced old man, and for the first time, the man feels fulfilled in his work. He used to do a lot of good work, though it hasn't been so easy for him in recent years.

A smile appears on the driver's face, just as Hunter was smiling before they each went their separate ways. Before the driver wants to enter the cab, he looks at a beautiful older lady with, like Hunter, beginning gray hair and two children beside her.His heart, which has not been beating for this mission for years, skips a beat. He feels more alive for the first time in years.

Hunter and his beautiful wife take both their children to a small bakery in town for their weekly treat. Stephanie was so happy that they kept up this tradition after meeting there. To her, it felt like a reunion of Hunter when they had met years ago.

Both could not remember a time when they were not with each other. Years ago they met by fate or fate helped them, which is what both kept thinking about. Hunter couldn't be happier than he is now. Continuing to praise his own of happiness that that cab ride made him realize how a fool he is, had been. There were things that weren't true, like Lucas and the relationship he got into with Stephanie. Or his father treating him like shit. Though it did make him think more. Thinking about his life and what he was missing that he now knows was the goal to get. -I didn't fail- Hunter thought as he looked at his beautiful family. Stephanie also looked at her two boys and her husband across from her. As the sweet treat touched her tongue, she could recall the moment of their first meeting as if it were the day before. Which made her smile light up the bakery.

Further down the road, a man sits in his black leather cab, riding off into the sunset, happy as he hasn't been in ages, happy that he did what he had to do. Failure is no longer an option for him now that he has accomplished his mission. 

In the back seat are the two women looking at the cab driver through the mirror, waiting for their next destination as they have done for ages. Connected to each other, the three of them begin their new journey around the world.

The cab driver presses the button and music finds its way out of the speakers. Both women begin to sing in the back, happy as two birds in spring. With the melody going through the cab, it is as if they are floating through time and space to find another mission, another assignment, another happy ending.

Long road to goWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt