Struck by a lightning

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My trip home was like arriving home in a flash. When I ran into Stephanie earlier in the park and was able to get a closer look at her face, I felt my heart beat back for the first time. Could it be? Could this be the thing I needed at that moment, the thing I needed to find.

I need to know. I need to find those women again to confirm what I suspect. At home in the shower, I try to let the bad feelings, Stephanie shot at me, flow away. Only they became more painful as the hot water nearly burned me. "Fuck," I mutter as I turned the water to cold from the heat that caressed me just now to let the cold water cool me down.

Out of the shower I still wasn't washed enough to wash away the feelings, Stephanie left me with. At the table in my kitchen, I meet my dog whom I pet over his head before giving him his daily treat. The next thing I do, like every morning, is taking my cup of coffee and the toast that almost burned my mouth.

A few minutes later I drive in my car to the company to get bored with work. And indeed at work I was immediately buried with papers on my desk.

Then, when it is lunchtime, I have a visit in my office, my friend Lucas. "What is this tension between the two of you?" My face immediately went from the paper I was reading to Lucas' heated face. "What is, what between us? There's nothing between us." I don't know what problem he has and why he looks at me like that, but it has to stop. We had a policy, a promise not to fight or talk about personal issues while we're here. "Shit, Hunter you know what I'm talking about. I know you had a thing with her. When you were both," I wait for the rest of the story, but he shakes his head and leaves my office. 

My mind could no longer concentrate on the paper. That's why I rush after Lucas, "stop, what did you mean by a thing together?" He looks at me and the girl behind her desk who is trying not to interfere with our conversation, looks up.

"You know what the hell I'm talking about." If I knew what he was talking about, I wouldn't ask him. "Lucas, I really don't know what you're talking about." He laughed in a non-funny way as he faced me again. "Student party, third year." I let my mind go back to that party, but everything I'm looking for is gone. I don't remember my third year of college, how strange. 

"What happened then?" Lucas realizes I really don't know what he's talking about.
"You had sex together." What, why wouldn't I remember having sex with her? She was always a beautiful girl, even with her big glasses on. A memory of that time, not the party and not the sex. 

"That's not possible, I would never cheat with your girl." Lucas nods and tells me something I can't understand. "We broke up then, remember? That's why she went to that party and got drunk." Lucas said, annoyed by my questions.

"Why is she so mad at me, it was obviously a mistake." Now he looks like he wants to hit me. "Not here guys. If you want to fight. Do it outside the building." says Floor to us, that Hell of a secretary who can't keep her mouth shut. "Shut up!" We both yell at her, forgetting we're even in the company.

"You bastard, you made us break up and stole her from me. You broke her fucking heart." My breath stops in my throat. What did I do? Was I such an asshole? I knew I was no angel and did some dirty things to girls in college, but fooling a girl, so I could break her. Why would I even do that? I liked Stephanie, I like her still. I liked her from the moment I met her. Not like a feeling of love, but I definitely felt something for her. At that moment, the words that Lucas swung at me kept hitting me. Impacting like lightning, that's how it felt.

"No, why would I do that?" I ask my question loudly. The question that kept rolling around in my head. My head that could almost explode from the impact of his words, or hatred. "That's why I beat you, that's why you were kicked off the team that year." All this comes as a surprise to me, "why did you stay friends with me when I was such a jerk." Lucas had a face if he had to think about it. Not long after he had come up with the first lightning strike in my head, another one came at me. "Hunter, we're not friends."

It was as if I hadn't lived for the past year. I couldn't remember anything. Nothing, everything is empty. Only I remember my trip to the past where I went on a date and then everything got worse, but I don't remember how or why. "Lucas, we went to the bar every week, and we always had a good time," I say convincing myself more than him. "We did it once, and I don't remember liking you then." That's it, that's another part that has left my life. What happens?

Floor looks at me disappointed as her gaze turns back to her computer screen to continue her work that she had discontinued due to our argument. I myself went back to my office and immediately call David. Who answered at the first bell, "what is it?" He asks immediately when he answers the phone. Him I won't lose, I hope anyway. I don't understand why I was having a great time with them the other day and now Lucas came up with this bombshell. 

"Why am I not friends with Lucas?" The line goes silent on the other end and the tension builds through the unspoken words. "Did he tell you, you aren't friends anymore." Now I'm completely lost. "How do you know?" David sighs on the other end of the line. "Hunter, you know he can't help it," David says in a voice full of sadness.

"What do you mean he can't do anything about it?" David is silent again on the other end of the phone before speaking again, "he has head trauma, Hunter." I drop the phone from my hands, not on purpose, no, due to the impact of his words. 

When I come back to my senses I quickly pick up my phone from the floor, "what happened to him?" I asked very worried how I could forget something big. "He was in a car accident years ago. That's why he has these flashes from the past, like it's haunting him. Don't feel offended by it Hunter he will have forgotten he said anything about it, as he always does. 

"He might forget, but I won't. I can't get over all the things I've forgotten. How could I not remember his accident or that I hurt Stephanie? At that moment, I could no longer stay at my work. Someone is messing with my head. To which I am currently in all states trying to figure out who and why.

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