CH 3 {A Light in the Dark}

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"7:50 am"

I sigh after checking my watch and look forward at the bus stop only a few feet away from me. There's one other guy there, never seen him before but he seems to be wearing the same uniform as me. His bleached blonde hair makes him hard to miss but I'm not engaging in conversation. Talking to people always lands me in a shitty situation. luckily, the bus comes around the corner and stops in front of us, leaving no room for awkward silence. I give the driver a bus fare and make my way to the back, it's kinda the best spot to sit in, most people just sit right up front so it's always nice and open. 

After sitting down, I pull out my phone and put in my earbuds. Scrolling through my playlist, I decide 19 by Stray Kids is what I'll be listening to. A chill, mellow song since I'm still kinda tired. I look out the window and let the notes fill my ears, relaxing my body and helping me get ready for the day. I notice a light rain outside and watch as the raindrops hit the window. Almost as if on cue, as the song ends, the bus stops in front of the school. As I near the front, I notice the rain outside has gotten heavier. I pull my bag up over my head to block my face from the rain and make my way to the opening of the school. 

Once under the shelter, I check the time. School is about to start so I make my way toward the classroom. I sit at my desk and put my bag down by my feet. Using my arm as a headrest, I look out the window and watch the rain and the trees as they sway due to the strong winds. Classes are horrid per usual. Triginomtry, Language, and Space Science, Always the same shit and always excruciatingly boring. The day picks up once lunch rolls around, the lunch line moves pretty fast today. The food also doesn't look too bad, I'm actually kinda excited to eat, I don't pay much attention to my surroundings as I walk to my table and unfortunately, that causes me to fall victim to a very old and cliche bullying tactic. That fucking dickhead tripped me up and since I had my tray in hand, my lunch ended up becoming my clothes.

I sigh as I sit back up and shoot daggers at the man responsible for it. He sneers back at me, "Aw did the little sewer rat spill his food." I roll my eyes and stand up, wiping the food off with my hands, and then flicking it all off toward the ugly bastard. He scoffs and wipes his face up before jolting up and at me, within a second he's got my collar in one hand and the other raised back to hit me. I brace for the impact, accepting my face but nothing lands, I open my eyes to see the light blonde hair I saw this morning, his face is stern but he seems to radiate calming, genuine energy. "I'm thinking it's time for this to stop. Let him go," he said. 

Holy shit, is this guy defending me?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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