CH 1 {The Rough Beginnings}

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"Look at him. No Good Yeonjun, what a fucking loser." The fat bastard says.

"Lmao, I know right? Doesn't his gloomy ass face just make you wanna smack him?" His little henchman replies. 

'Yes, Sir. Of course, Sir.' God, what a kiss ass. These idiots love talking shit when I'm right here. 

"Hey, Yeonjun! I'm kinda thirsty. Why don't you take your emo ass outside and buy me a drink?" I roll my eyes but don't even spare them a glance, "Get it  yourself, Asshole." The Jackass' face goes red in anger,  the big guy stands up and I already know what's coming. He grabs me by the collar and gets in my face, "You need to know your place, you fucking sewer rat." I can't help but smirk at this idiot. " I think you need to learn your place, Mama's boy. The bell's about to ring."The henchman looks at his watch before grabbing his friend, "Hey, we don't have time for this. You know how your mom is about your attendance." next thing I know I'm thrown to the floor, my back hitting the seat on the way down. I look up and watch as the douchebag grabs his shit and stomps out.

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