CH 2 {The Argument}

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After school, I restlessly walk home. As I neared the door I could hear my parents arguing about some stupid shit like they always do. " I always clean the dishwasher, idiot!" Mom screamed. I opened the door and sighed. I shot a glare at them, but they were too busy to notice.

"Now you know that's not true! I do you dumb hag! I do everything around here despite working my ass off to pay the fucking bills.  " Dad screamed back. I rolled my eyes and sat down in front of the TV. I was planning on playing a game when I got home. Fuck them, I'll do it anyways. I grabbed the console controller and scrolled through the games before landing on Mario Kart. Eh, good enough. As I played I could still hear them arguing, "Well, I'm not the one using up all the damn power." she shouted at him. "Yeah, they wouldn't be so fucking high if it wasn't for that damn kid of yours that lounges around all day playing games," he yelled. I knew damn well that was a direct jab at me. They piss me off so much. As horrible as it is to say, I fucking hate them. "What do you mean your kid? I didn't want him!" she cried out. Her and the tears, there's always fucking tears. She cries like a bitch in any argument. "Well, I didn't fucking want the worthless brat either!" Fuck! This shit is so frustrating, I can't even focus on the game. I slam the controller down and stand up to look back at them. If looks could kill, they'd be long dead.

I'm so tired of everything, I storm off to my room. I walk in and slam the door before turning on some music. Everything fucking sucks! I hate everything! I grab a pillow from my bed and throw it down as hard as I can before punching it. It's childish, I know, but I don't have any other outlet. I can't help but scream into the pillow. I pull away from it after screaming my lungs out and start to feel tears run down my face. "Fuck," I say quietly, wiping away my tears, "God, I'm so tired. Why is it me? Why do I have to live like this? Everything sucks and nothing ever gives me a break. Why is it so hard for just someone or something to help me out when I need it?" 

I stand up and grab some fish feed from my desk before bending down in front of the small fish tank I had in my room. Sprinkling a little bit in, I watch as the fish all excitedly swim to the top and peck at the flakes. Two of the fish start to play kinda rough and I can't help but smile at the little guys, "Shit, at least you guys know how to have a fun time." I screw the lid back on the bottle and put it back on my desk before plopping down on my bed. Soon enough drowsiness sets in and my eyes close. 

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