Thyme : so not this one

Thyme : so next one is
I'll pay for dinner tonight if you initiate our first kiss deal ?

Thyme : no after all our first kiss happen in mira party so no to you but if our first kiss doesn't happen than I am sure I will use this line to impress you Gorya

Thyme : third one
Let's get wasted and finally admit how we feel about each other nah, she always called me a spoiled brat and if I told her this I don't know how she will going to react she will again start giving me lecture and sat

Thyme start mimicking Gorya
What wasted you jerk you are already wasted you don't have a future at all and you're telling me to get wasted with you so I willing to die but not gonna go with you, you jerk

Thyme : ya this way she again scold me stupid girl ( Thyme you start understanding gorya)

Thyme : and If she's in a bad mood I don't know what she gonna do who knows again she will hit me with her shoes she done this before so she won't hold back to repeat that action and it will be action replay

Thyme : so next one ya
Ready to change your relationship status

Thyme : not this one she will directly say no in my face and this is very simple with that I don't want to be rejected

Thyme : next one
Clear your schedule because I'm taking you on the best date of your life this weekend

Thyme : no no no if I say this she will say spend a day with you it will be the worst day of my life so rejected ( Thyme I think it's a right decision to not use this line because Gorya have so many works to do )

Thyme : ya you are right Author she works in a flower shop

Thyme : next one
Do you want to go out with me ? Yes or yes

Thyme : huh what a line if I say this gorya will say I don't want to go out with you no and no so a big no to this line

Thyme : next one
you're single I am single we could change that together
O God Gorya will definitely say I like to be single for my whole life but I don't want anything with you

Thyme : not this not that ahhhhhhhhh

Thyme start sulking Like a child who does not got his favorite toy

Thyme : this thing is not made for me so I will directly go and say infront of her so ya gorya I have feelings for you so please give me a chance to change myself and go out with me this is perfect I should write it in a paper than it will be easy for me to remember

Thyme start writing his line on a paper

Thyme : I think I should also write the date destination

Thyme : hmm why I wasted my time on internet when I can do anything perfect

Thyme ; ok so how I will say this to her she never listened to me she will try to run again from me before I will complete my words so I think it's better to say her infront of whole school so she can't able to run

Tia : what are you thinking brother

Thyme : nothing just preparing things about date you know sis I prepare everything the date place, time and what to speak but I don't have the courage to speak infront of her

Tia : awww my baby brother if you love her think about her and your heart will help you to find the way which leads to Gorya heart don't think so much have faith in love

Thyme : love

Tia : awe you are blushing

Thyme : no I am not but thanks for the words now i am going I have lots of work to do byy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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