"We are going to Starpower. You know that's one of the toughest competitions out there. This is what's going to happen for this next weekend. Maddie, new solo. Brooke, new solo. Chloe, new solo. Now, the age categories are a little different. So we want to make sure that your dance reflects you as a dancer now, not the beginning of the season. We are doing a new group routine this weekend. And everybody's in it, the entire cast. It is called 'Where Have All the Children Gone?' This is a routine about children who become missing. We've all seen the children's faces on the milk cartoons. It's contemporary, it's mature, and it is very dark. You have to be great actresses to pull it off. And they're all in white like they're angels. I don't want any discrepancies. I don't want any opinions. Moms, I'm going to go ahead and dismiss you now. We have lots of work to do. Girls, up. Let's get moving, let's get moving. Come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Miss Abby finished, and we started group rehearsals.


"One, two, three and four. Five, six, seven, eight," Miss Abby counted. Kenzie, Vivi and I were sat next to Miss Abby, watching the girls dance. We left Studio A and went to a smaller studio, the cameras following. "Come close, listen to me. Alright, you're dancing, you're doing steps, you're trying to listen to the words. You're not interpreting the story correctly. And this is very serious, because maybe people in the audience have had a child that's gone missing. So you're gonna touch somebody's heart. So this has to be a very serious routine. And right now you're just doing the steps, and we need to get past that and we need to perform. Do you three understand? It's very serious."

Miss Abby looked over at us, and we nodded.

Holly came into the studio and pulled Miss Abby out of rehearsal. I wonder what they're talking about, I always do whenever a mom interrupts rehearsal.


After we all finished at the studio, it was time to go to the toy store! Toys R US, to be specific.

"Are we there yet?" Kenzie impatiently asked.

"No, but we're getting closer!" Mommy exclaimed.

"Can I get something?" Maddie questioned.

"Of course," Mommy responded just as we pulled into the parking lot. Mommy picked me up and placed me on the ground, and I immediately started running towards the store.

"Max, wait up! Stop!" I heard Mommy yell, but I kept going. I stopped once I reached the entrance of the store. Mommy, Kenzie and Maddie finally caught up.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in!" Kenzie exclaimed, and we all entered the store. We quickly made our way to the toy section. We knew the way by heart, obviously.

"Try to be fast, I've gotta cook dinner," Mommy spoke.

"I want this, and this, and this..." Kenzie grabbed a bunch of different toys, mostly Barbie's. Mommy quickly stopped her.

"No, no, no, no, no. You can only have one thing. And I said a stuffed animal, you have enough Barbie's," Mommy stated, putting back the Barbie's. Maddie left to go find something for herself.

"I want this!" I shouted, holding up a brown bear stuffed animal.

"That's boring, I want this one!" Kenzie argued, holding up a dolphin stuffed animal. Maddie came back holding a pink cat purse.

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