Prologue: Part 1

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"Ciiiiiieeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll..." I sighed, leaning over my desk, and rolling my head around a bit. I was alone in my office again.

[[Yes, darling?]]

"I'm boooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeedddd." I rolled right off my desk, out of my chair, and onto the floor. I spread my arms out on the floor in a huff.

I glanced up at the picture of myself and another person up on my desk, before glancing at another picture next to it. Then I let out a long sigh. I was starting to miss my time exploring a new world and experiencing something new. It was fifteen years since that started, almost forty-five years since the world finally came to peace.

[[Hehe. Do you want to go to another world and see some sights? You could even solve some issues I have with it while there.]]

"Hm? A world with issues even to you? Well... That is a big deal then, I guess I could head over there." I put my finger on my cheek and thought about it for a few moments. I knew Ciel was likely just offering me this for my fun, she is stronger than me after all. So she could deal with this herself.

[[Do you not want to for some reason?]]

"That's not what I said! I'd love to go to a new world! What is it like?" I couldn't let her just fix it if I dilly-dallied. I need to be useful sometimes, ya know?

[[It is another version of Earth. This one though has magic. I don't want to tell you much else.]]

"Another Earth? Hm... I should probably go to where the interesting stuff is happening then. I already lived in Japan as a human... So. Can I go somewhere else?"

[[That can easily be arranged.]]

"Reliable Ciel as always, I love you." It was something I only said occasionally, but when I did say it, I am sure my face would turn red if it could.

[[Fufu.]] My manas could never get enough of it either, it always left her sending me a lot of positive emotions.

Still, I had to stand up to look at the portal Ciel had created in front of me, a simple wooden door standing in the middle of space. She seemed to be kinda fast about this. She really wanted me to deal with these issues, whatever they were.


After explaining things to my subordinates (again), I ventured through the door that Ciel had conjured up for me.

As I stepped through, I felt a change in my physical form take place and realized that Ciel was altering it to make it closer to human. It wasn't the first time something like this had been done to help me blend into whatever situation I was throwing myself into for the sake of exploration, much like I'm doing now.

I took a closer look at her handiwork as soon as the transport was finished, and found that I'd been made quite short; even shorter than I usually bump around as. I was dressed in what looked like an early-nineties rich-kid private school uniform, but with some odd badge that I'd never seen before. It was clearly Japanese, and unfortunately a girl's uniform, to fit my appearance, pantsuit style.

Any particular reason you made me look like a kid?

This, honestly, isn't the usual way that I go around when checking out a new world for fun, but there have been times I'd done similar for whatever reason.

[[The plan is to enroll you in one of this world's schools to learn about it, so this appearance was necessary.]]

Oh, so we're going with the school kid thing again? Alrighty then.

Another little change she'd made was my hair color, which was now close to black. My eyes remained unchanged, though, so I guess their appearance didn't stand out enough to pose a problem like my silver-blue hair must've.

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