The Manor

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A/N: This will be a shorter chapter for the story to get a move on with this story.


"Well, that should be it. No more boxes in the van; if you don't need help moving these insides, then we should be done." You thanked the U-Haul driver and grabbed the rest of the boxes and moved them inside my house, which was my childhood house, which is entirely mine now, you wore a very tired smile, having been that you moved a ton of stuff. You were Y/N, a young girl who was given an amazing, insanely huge opportunity, despite the morbid truth it brought with it. Your parents had moved to the UK recently; as cold as it was without them, you didn't mind their absence. You had never really been that close to them. They had been very abusive, both mentally and sometimes physically, exhausting as hell, they had left you their previous house. It was HUGE, with at least ten times more room than you'd ever need. There were ten bedrooms, each one having its bathroom and closet, four bathrooms, two kitchens, and way too many rooms to count. Your parents had given you enough money to buy furniture and forced you to get a job, which is one of the few things I'm thankful for from them, but then kicked you out once you were independent enough to fend for yourself. Now, you smiled and waved goodbye to the movers as they left for good, leaving you and your quiet house, a good thirty minutes away from any near city, town, or settlement. You were used to the quiet life, having grown up where no one could ever hear your parents yelling at you day and night. You were ecstatic to finally be living alone where you wouldn't have to hear your parents' whines and complaints. You had a simple job as a small, unpopular journalist. You could do that job from home, which meant you'd only need to leave your house to go to the grocery store or some special night out for yourself, and only yourself since you had no friends, and you didn't want to bother making friends.

So, in your huge house, with no one around other than yourself, you wondered what the hell you were going to do. Everything was set up and unpacked, everything was perfect. You had eaten already, and it was only 7 'clock, way too early to sleep, especially with your insurmountable amounts of energy and excitement from your newfound independence. Instead of sleeping or anything of the sort, you plop down on your comfortable sofa and pull your laptop from the couch-side table. Flipping open the lid, you scroll aimlessly through your works and writings, about 90% news reports you had written, the other 10% random creative writings you had done just for the heck of it. You stumble upon the section of 'Murder Related' news articles, relative to them all. You still had to finish or rewrite a few stories for your publisher, taken for future reference. You would also want to collect all the information you can, maybe even collect some information from the crime scenes for future articles. They seem to fit into 4-5 categories based on 4-5 different murder styles. One set of murders is gory and brutal, a purposely gory fucked up crime scene simply for making them well-known for their killings, or a truly fucked up documentary about the killer. While the next killer was a simple clean and quick stab wound to the neck. The bodies have never been found in another set of cases, but the killer has only been killed in one area. One of the last sets of murders was one of the oddest, but most interesting methods. Dead bodies appeared in the most random places. The bodies appeared here and there with what seemed to be no motive and no pattern. These murderers weren't being executed for the sake of fame or recognition, these people weren't killed in one specific area, they were even being killed in rural forest areas. There was one more. The case with people going missing but only finding the bones of the body.


The first set of murders, the infamous Ghostface, is a killer who kills for fame. He wears a black cloak and a mask with a screaming/ wailing expression. This costume's name was known as the 'Father of Death' costume. The 'first' Ghostface or known as 'Jed Olsen' is an obvious alibi name for him to not reveal his true identity. He started murdering in Roseville, Florida. But the other (or what I'm assuming is another) Ghostface was located in Woodsboro, California. The killer in Woodsboro, California was murdering right before the killings in Roseville, Florida. They even made a couple of movies about it. in fact! they were the ones who filmed it, they called it Scream. The killer in Roseville, Florida seems to have been killing right after the killings in California, but still, they were killing around the same time and continued killing, stalking their next victims. The infamous Jason Voorhees was the second killer, the simple stab or slash wounds. A famous murderer who only kills the people who trespass on his territory known as Camp Crystal Lake. He wears a hockey mask and wields a machete to kill his victims. He also uses just brute strength. In the third case, the people who keep going missing say it was the work of the Sawyer family, and some say they wanted to run away from their troubles. The final case is the work of none other, than Michael fucking Myers. An absolute brute. He is known as The Boogieman, The Shape, The Devil, or his real name. Michael Myers.


You were intrigued, maybe even guilty of wanting to learn their murderous ways. Everything about their cases intrigued you. All four of their murder styles were interesting to you, some people say you should be afraid of them or maybe even hate them for their murderous ways, but you? No. You were so fucking lucky to be making articles about them. You may have even just found a new obsession. Maybe not. You weren't quite sure yourself. Fuck it, they are an obsession. As it was getting later you decided to go back to find more information on your first article of choice, Ghostface.

You were so focused on finding the information you completely failed to notice the sound and flash of the beloved Polaroid camera. Finding true information on Ghostface can be hard, but it seems you already know a lot about them considering you have two bulletin boards in your spare room for each. Your closet, which used to be a walk-in closet. Now you just have a large antique wardrobe.

You glanced over to the time on your laptop and saw it was "2 AM?!" you yelled slightly annoyed. "Why the hell do I ruin my sleep schedule?" You mumbled. You got up after a bit and decided to go to bed because it was getting late. And with that, you walked up the stairs to your room and fell asleep. (Yes, in your day clothes.)

A/N: Sorry the first chapter is so short-

Homicidal Roommates (Slashers x FEMALE reader) (𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃)Where stories live. Discover now