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She's on the floor when he finds her

Blood dripping, a razor blade in hand

He sighs and moves to slowly take the blade out of her trembling hand

He bites his wrist and guides it to her mouth but She pushes his hand away

He sighs again and forces his wrist on her lips

And she finally gives up and drinks

He gently helps her stand up despite her whining and his warmth surrounds her in a tight hug

The only other time he's ever done this was the night he took her under his wing in an attempt to ease her panic attack

She forgot how gentle his touch can be

He let her cry her eyes out in his arms , his voice soothing her nerves

" Shh, you're alright love"

Once she calmed down, he withdrew from her

" Let's get you into a warm bath"
His tone sweet and genuine

" No I'm fine "

When he layed in bed she turned to get out of the room but his hand found hers in a hurry

" Stay"

With that she gets into bed with him without a word

She lays her head on his chest and allows his steady heartbeat and his hand gently stroking her hair to lull her to sound sleep

He never knew Love, but he thinks she's the closest that he got and will ever get to that arcane feeling

It's also moments like these that force him to face the truth of his affection for her

Because it shatters him to smithereens to see her so broken

She's the only person he has ever slept through the night with

It has never felt right to do so before, until her

She's not there when he woke up, and it makes him feel hollow


He greeted her at the door with a bright smile

" I see that you've made up your mind"

" Maybe i did... I'm gonna give you a fair shot and hear out the full story before i can make a firm stand"

He ushered her inside before she sat on the couch, eyeing the palatial apartment

He handed her a drink as he sat next to her

The proximity makes her flurried,

Courtesy of Klaus

" Fair enough, i suppose I owe you that much.

Well The witch... Davina, is one of the harvest girls now i don't know how much Klaus told you but all you need to know is that she's not your average witch, she possesses great power, probably too much and she was able to find a loophole,
A way to break the link between Klaus and everyone he has ever sired,
Most importantly myself"

She finished off her glass and handed it back to him with an arched eyebrow

He smiled to himself and stood up to freshen her drink

Her eyes followed him the entire time

He has a nice, toned back
She notices before brushing off the thought

" How're you going to kill him? And what's exactly my role in all this?"

He studies her expression for a second, as if looking for something

What? She doesn't know

Maybe he shares his adoptive father's paranoia

" Anything can be killed Hayley, with the right motive"

He stopped briefly to hand her her drink

" And the right tool"

She took a sip before asking

" And what might that be?"

" Energy, lots and lots of energy"

She kept quiet, waiting for him to elaborate

" I'm no witch but I Know you'll need something more powerful than an original to channel to make this work"

He had an almost proud look on his face

" Right on the mark! But to be more apt, we'll also need to weaken him"

She proceeded to ask the obvious question

" How?"

" Magic, how else...
You'll serve as a bait to lure him out, i need him to be in a very specific place at a particular time for this ritual"

Her phone rang, Klaus's name popping up on her screen

She ignored it and headed towards the door, Marcel right behind her

" what do you really need me for Marcel ?"

" I guess you can say this is my way of looking out for you"

He could see she wasn't convinced, rightfully so

" Look... This ritual has a deadline and i can't afford any mistakes and you... With your help i can ensure this goes smoothly so that everyone can go on their merry way, except of course,Klaus"

She lets the new information sink in and reaches out for the doorknob at the same time as him , their hands brush together

She ignores the electric jolt his touch leaves her with and she sees herself out


She comes back home around two am to find him still awake

And apparently angry

" Where have you been"

" Catching up with an old friend"

She didn't seem to succeed at dispelling his doubts

" And pray tell,who might this friend be?"

She tries to steady her breathing, not to give herself away and decides to head off his attention elsewhere

"Is that jealousy I'm hearing?"

He smiles despite himself and strolls towards her
His hands come to rest at the small of her back, pulling her closer against him

"And what if i am? I'm allowed to feel grabby over that which is mine, and you are mine, aren't you Hayley?" 

It's getting harder to hide her pernicious anxiety so she plays along

" Always"

He gives her a pleased smile

" Alright then, with whom have you been?"

" I already told you Nik, it's just a friend i swear it"

He tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear, his gaze softening

" Let's hope you're right,for their sake, and yours" 

Ergo, she lives to see another day

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