Part 1: Scholarship

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A/N: There might be some grammar mistakes! Also, English is NOT my first language! Btw, Han is not surprised when he see's everyone talking Korean! Idk why! And the parents names that I put for Leeknow is not real! I just made up fake names.


I got my things all packed up because I got a scholarship in Seoul. I was born in Korea but then moved to Malaysia due to personal reasons. Ofcourse i still spoke Korean with everyone. It was just a little surprising for me when someone spoke to me in Korean. It was my first time in a long time I left Malaysia.

"Ok mom, I got everything packed, I'm ready to go to Seoul!" I said. My mom started to tear up and get all emotional. "Mom, why are you crying?". "Its nothing Jisung, it's just that, you'll be going all the way to Seoul, Korea, you'll be miles away from me! But I'm so proud of you for reaching one of the top colleges in South Korea, JYPE!" My mom yelled out.

I started to hug her and pecked her on the cheek. "It's ok mom, I'll be sure to make some friends!"
I got my things in the taxi and said goodbye to my mom, if only I could say bye to dad too.

I reached the airport at about 2 P.M and my flight was at 3:35 P.M, so I had an hour and thirty-five minutes, that's not so bad! I put my big suitcase and bag down when I reached the lounge area. I was using my phone until I heard a familiar voice in the background.

I turned around to see who it was. It was Bang Christopher Chan, my highschool bully. He bullied me for being gay and a straight A student, but I didn't care, its not like he was smart. OMG! That's Chan from highschool! If he sees me here, I'm dead! I better get out of here!

The moment I got up to leave, he called my name. "HEY, TURKEY! IS THAT YOU?!". I freaked out and turned around to see Bangchan looking at me. Bangchan looked at me and said "So turkey, it really is you, huh? I thought you would never get enough money to even buy a suitcase! I'm surprised you even reached the airport!". I glared at him and turned the other way around, walking to the receptionist.

I got my passport checked and decided to get on the airplane. The moment I got up, i checked my seat number, it was 8-N. I got to my seat, luckily it was the window seat. I quickly sat down and put my things in the upper compartment. I quickly put my phone on airplane mode and finally relaxed, until this tall guy sat next to me.

I was just minding my own business, until he said he said something. "Hey, move your leg.". I immediately moved my leg to myself as a sign of respect, but he didn't even say thank you.

The plane started to move and it was overwhelming because I had never been on an airplane alone. I looked outside the window, hoping i could just relax and have a peaceful flight, until that is when the guy next to me started chattering on his phone. He was on the phone for like the entire plane ride and wasn't getting off his phone.

After 14 hours, I decided to speak up. I was half-asleep though. "Hey, excuse me, can you please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep." He ignored me and continued talking like I was some invisible squirrel! I mean I was a squirrel, but I wasn't invisible!

I asked him so many times to keep it down but he ignored my freaking words like he was the king of the world! After his call ended, he looked down at me and said "Do you not have any respect for me?! I was on a FREACKING call! I thought this flight would be perfect until a loud, talking, noisy rat came and told me to shut up! Do you even know who I am?!" I was half-asleep so I didn't understand a single word he said. I just scoffed and put my head down to sleep.

He glared at me, took my wrist and twsited it. It hurt quite bad since I already had some pain when I twisted my arm in Malaysia. "Ow man! What'd you do that for?! I just told you to keep it down so I could sleep!"

"I asked you something, Do You Know Who I Am?". I felt so overwhelmed by it, I mean, your hand doesn't randomly get grabbed by a hot-looking guy next to you on a plane! Not gonna lie, he was actually really hot, BACK TO THE STORY!

It was so overwhelming for me because he just twisted my wrist and just glared at me while asking 'Do you know who I am?'. I was so sleepy, I just yelled at him. "C'mon man! What the hell? I just wanted to sleep so I told you to keep it down! This morning when you came on the flight I moved my leg but you didn't even thank me! I asked you for ONE THING but you just took my hand and twisted it! Can you please spare me a favour by not making noise?!". I kind of regretted my decision. I had NEVER yelled on anyone till this day.

He just stared at me and started to speak. "Wow, you're brave y'know? You would've never yelled at me if you knew who I was."

I stared at him in confusion. He took out his phone and showed it to me. OH MAN, HOLY SHI-! He was Lee Minho?! The son of Lee Jo-Ann and Lee Gwang-Ji. WHAT THE HELL?! I JUST YELLED AT THE SON OF THE BIGGEST MAFIA GROUP IN KOREA?!

He looked at me and I looked at him. He replied to me after I was staring at his soul with widley open eyes. "So, now you know who I am, I would beat you up till death but I'll not because you were actually the first one who yelled at me in a while. You look young and it looks like you clearly stayed out of Korea your whole life. I'll spare your life, for now.. ". I just stared at him. He started to speak again. " Look, if you want me to kill you just ask for it, stop staring at my soul."

I quickly looked away from staring at his Goddamn eyes. But his eyes looked so prett- I-I M-MEAN His eyes looked petty, not pretty.

A/N: How's life besties?

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