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Sadness creeps in like a thief in the night,
Stealing away everything that's bright.
It wraps us up in its cold embrace,
Leaving us with a bitter taste.

It comes when we least expect,
And with it, our hearts are wrecked.
It's a heavy weight that we must bear,
And we feel as though nobody cares.

Sadness makes us feel small and weak,
Like we're caught in a never-ending streak.
It drains us of our energy and will,
And everything seems to stand still.

We try to push it away,
But it lingers, day after day.
It haunts us like a ghost,
And we feel as though we've lost the most.

But in the darkness, there is a light,
A glimmer of hope that shines so bright.
We can rise above the sadness and pain,
And find happiness once again.

So let us hold onto the light,
And let it guide us through the night.
For in the end, we'll rise above,
And find the strength to keep on with love.

POEMS THAT YOU NEEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora