Chapter 6: Promises

Start from the beginning

Heirii’s Point of View

Everything seems to be going smoothly at Café Mew Mew now. Shirogane and I don’t fight, but we don’t talk much either. Until one day when he calls us down to the basement for an “urgent meeting.” Whenever we got down there, both Shirogane and Keiichiro looked upset and worried. “What is it?” Mint asked, putting her hands on her hips. “We’ve received a signal from the aliens. They are striking a town about 4 miles to the west from here. We need you to go there immediately and stop them.” Shirogane rushed out. I’ve never seen him look like this before. “Is that what’s so urgent? If so, we need more details than that.” Zakuro piped in, voicing her opinion. I silently agreed with her. We needed to know a lot more than that. “They have a lot of Chimera Animals, and…they are searching for Mew Aqua again.” Keiichiro stated, and they all gasped except me. “Mew Aqua? What’s that?” Ichigo turned to me. “Remember whenever we were in the back of the café? Whenever your body started to glow, that was Mew Aqua. It’s a source of life and power, and whenever they fuse it with an animal or a human, it creates something even more powerful and strong than what we are used to.” My eyes widened with her explanation. “Wha? How did my body glow then?” I ask flustered. “We can all react with it, it’s just that your emotions grew out of control, it triggered it.” Lettuce explained. My mouth formed an “o” shape. “Yes, and now since you know, we have to stop them.” Shirogane interrupted, and we all looked to him. He had a serious look on his face. “Tokyo Mew Mew, go!” We all rush out of the basement, going into the streets. We’ve already transformed, so we didn’t have to waste time. We all sprinted, trying to reach the place Shirogane informed us of as quickly as possible. “Where do you think this is?” I ask, saying in between breaths. “I don’t know, but it seems very important to Shirogane and Keiichiro.” Ichigo panted, and I nod my head. After what seems like forever, we get to the outskirts of a town. I see smoke coming from one of the buildings. We stop to catch our breath, and I study the town closely. This town seems familiar, but I don’t know why. I racked my brain, trying to think. Suddenly, it hit me, and I nearly cried out. My eyes widened with fear, and I tensed up. This is where it happened. This is the place where Kira was… I couldn’t finish the thought, as I felt my eyes misting up. “G-guys…I can’t go into this town.” I stutter, as I feel myself start to shake. I made a promise, and I don’t plan on breaking it, no matter what the circumstances are. All five of them looked at me incredulously. They got in front of me, and put their hands on their hips. “Why not?” Pudding asked curiously. I took a step back, my fear taking over. “I-I can’t! I ma-made a promise!!” I stutter again, and I feel my hands trembling as I held them up to my chest. “Heirii you have to! We have to stop the aliens from destroying this place!” Ichigo stated, her voice sounding conflicted. She doesn’t like yelling at me, and vice versa, but I had to. “NO!!! I refuse to go into that evil place ever again!” I screamed, and I felt a tear slip from my eye. All their eyes widened. They’ve never seen me cry. I quickly wipe it away, turning from their gaze. “I can’t.” I whispered, and I hear them sigh. “Fine, there’s no use trying to make you come. Just…be careful out here.” Ichigo finally said, and I felt a weight being lifted off me. I mumbled a thank you, and I watched them go into that place. That horrible place where my sister was killed. Why did the aliens have to attack here? Out of all the places in the world, why this village??? I sigh, and look around, trying to focus on something else. I hear a scream from inside, and I take a step forward before stopping myself. That was Ichigo. Are they okay? Thoughts started to scramble my brain, and I tried to calm myself down. I hear Lettuce’s attack, and a green light shoot into the air. See? They can fend for themselves in there. They don’t need me. I leaned against a tree, until I heard a deep laugh from the other side of the woods. I look up, and I gasp in horror. “I never thought I’d see you again, you little runt.” His voice travelled, chilling me to the bone. No, how is this possible? He’s dead, he should be. I did it myself! He went into a burning building!!! I shake my head, seeing the thief from 2 years ago, standing in front of me. “How’s that sister of yours? She caused me much grief. Causing you to strike against me, and giving me these.” He said, his voice dripping with such calmness as he gestured to the fire scars all on his body. “She’s dead you freaking low piece of crap! I thought I killed you once, I’ll definitely do it again!” I screamed at him, trying to keep myself from saying things I will regret. His face contorted with anger, and he started to scream at me. “Why you little bit-” He started, but I shut him up as I hurled a rock at him, nailing him in the nose. He fell backwards to the ground, and started holding his nose. “What the…you little…gaahh!!” he tried, but he was in so much pain he couldn’t do much. “I’ll teach you a lesson you pathetic excuse of a human being.” I growled darkly, pointing my rod at him. He widened his eyes, but before he could say anything, I attacked. “Ribbon Heirii Fire!!” I yell, sending my blast at him, hitting him square in the chest. He plummets backwards into a tree, and it starts to creak. I realize what I did, but it’s too late. The tree fell onto him, and I hear him scream out in agony. I killed him. I didn’t mean to! My anger got the best of me again!!! I break down, crying. I’m so glad no one is here to see me like this, or else I’d have to explain. Or at least I thought no one was here. I felt someone behind me, and hear a voice call “Wow, didn’t know you hated humans too.” I spin around, seeing Kisshu with a confused look on his face. Do I really have to explain this to him? I thought about it. Yes, or else he’d tell the others, and I’d be in deep poo. I sighed, “No, I don’t normally do things like this Kisshu. It’s just…complicated.” He smiled at me, shaking his head side to side. “You don’t learn, do you? Everything is complicated. We have the same goals, you know? Protecting the ones we love? I know why you killed that man.” He says, and I freeze. What? How does he know??? I feel myself start to shake. “You did it, because he’s the guy who killed your sister, isn’t he?” He says, his voice sounding concerned. I try not to burst into tears. “I-I didn’t mean to kill him!! My anger got the best of me!” I tremble, and tears start rolling down my cheeks. I feel arms wrap around me. I don’t know why I did it, as I knew who it was, but I hugged him back. Crying into his shirt, I hear him whisper comforting things to me. When did he get so caring? And why do I feel as if I need him with me? I don’t let go of him, but I pull away slightly, looking into his eyes. “Why are you always there for me now?” I ask, and his eyes widen in shock. He didn’t expect me to ask anything. “I’ve told you before Heirii. You’re my little fox, and I care about you.” Whenever he says that, my eyes widen with surprise. Someone…cares for me??? I’m not used to that anymore. Sure, I have my mom and my dad, but dad’s gone all the time and mom is just there. I grip Kisshu tighter, the tears still falling. “It’ll be okay. Come with me, Heirii.” He says, pulling me back and holding my shoulders. “Wha?” I ask, dumbfounded. My brain was too jumbled to understand what he was asking, or saying. “What do you mean come with you?” I ask again, and he smiles sweetly at me. “If you come with me, I can keep you protected from all those who have hurt you. And from those who’ve mistreated you. I know you haven’t fit in, Heirii. But you would with me.” He states, looking me in the eyes. I stare at him shocked, no words forming in my mouth. “I…I” I start, trying to get words to come to me. Just then, I hear a scream, and we both turn and look to the village. I see the girls coming out, with a Chimera Animal behind them. A thought came to me as I looked at Kisshu. “What about them?” I whispered, almost afraid of the answer. He grimaced, trying to think of a good answer. “I don’t know. Orders are to kill all of you…” He starts, and I tense up. But he looks me in the eyes, saying “But I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I feel my stomach do a flip. WAIT!! NO NO NO! You can’t fall for him!!! It’s too late though, and I know it. Before I can answer, a bright light shines, signaling the Chimera Animal was defeated. When Ichigo turned towards us, she screeched at Kisshu. “GET AWAY FROM HER!” He grinned, and looked at me. ‘Not now.’ I mouthed, hoping he’d get the message. He sent me a wink, and let go of me. “Hehehe, what’s wrong, Ichigo? Jealous? Because you’ve had your chance.” He said harshly, and she glared at him. He stared at me. “I’ve come to take you back with me.” I take a step back, trying to look shocked. Am I really going to do this? Betray all of them and fight with Kisshu because 1) I’m falling for him and 2) Because I’ve killed someone? I can’t decide, my brain going 100 miles an hour. Before he can reach out and grab me, Mint’s attack almost hits him. He backs up, glaring at her. All five of them are running over to me, and I know I can’t do this right now. I try to run away. I need an escape. “Heirii! Where are you going?” I hear Pudding call, and I turn to her, seeing her staring at me with sadness. I look at the ground, knowing everyone is waiting for my reaction. My final answer. I can’t decide what to say. After a long silence, I finally speak up. “I’ve got to leave…so I can keep my promise to a very special person. I’m very sorry, I just can’t stay here. This place…has too many bad memories. Old…and new.” I say clearly, glancing over to the tree that’s hiding the body of the thief. Everyone, including Kisshu, looks at me with sadness in their eyes. I turn around, walking away. I’m keeping this promise, and I’ll never betray this trust. I look up, finding the road to go on. Suddenly, a pair of arms comes around my body, picking me up into the air. I scream, scared of who it was. What kind of creep is it now?!?!?! I look up, seeing Kisshu holding me. Of course it would be him. “What do you want Kisshu??” I say, trying to catch my breath. He starts flying up into the air. “Wait. Kisshu? What are you doing?” I ask, suddenly afraid. “I told you earlier, I’m taking you with me. You won’t be hurt anymore.” He grins at me, and my eyes widen. I look down, seeing how far up we are. The last thing I see is the five Mews looking into the sky with fear across their face. “Heirii!!” Pudding screamed, but I couldn’t answer her, as Kisshu teleported us away.

 Dun DUN DUUUNNN!!! Cliffhanger! Boom! Hope you guys like it! Got this chapter done really fast, so yay!! and guys, come on! LEAVE ME SOME COMMENTS!!! I'm dying to know how you feel about it! Working on chapter 7 now, and it has even more surprises, headaches, and fighting. Maybe even death!! :O nahh....its to violent, doncha think? No? Okay, fine. Anyway, please Comment, Vote, Fan, and all that fun stuff!

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