Chapter 17: hearts feel full

Start from the beginning

How much had the world progressed. Magic and technology. The people in it knew no boundaries. But the stigma of originality still stuck on the genes. A rush of arrogance over masculinity still poisoned Fourth.

He squeezed his eyes to get rid of those thoughts. Fourth had to convince himself again. Like he always did.

His love for Gemini was a love very normal. Nothing otherworldly. Just love. It signifies a feeling of its own. A feeling that gives strength and happiness. Misery and sorrow.

It does not have anything to do with the gender or the roles. All it has to do with is their heart and bodies that connect to each other like a complete puzzle. Yes. All he has to think about is that.

"Fourth...." A light touch on his cheeks. "Hey.... Fourth....." a whisper as soft as the cushion he was sleeping on.

Tickling his bare skin,he felt the softness pf the touch. So smooth and fragile.

"Fourth..... Are you okay?" The fingers now ran over his tired eyelids. The burn he was feeling inside those sockets soothing at the touch.

Fourth slowly opened his eyes. He didn't want to wake up from this dream. But he had to check on reality.

"Fourth...." As soon as he opened his eyes,he saw a familiar face which made him immediately straighten up. Huh? He's not dreaming?

"You're awake? Since when?" His tiredness instantly faded away as he took a good look on Gemini's face. The face that was unconscious for a while was smiling radiantly at him.

"A while now." He said as he sat on the couch beside a now embarrassed Fourth. Fourth himself knew how disheveled he looked. What will Gemini think of this ugly look?

Gemini smiled at the pink tint on the pale cheeks of the other. "You did not sleep did you? You look worse than me." He put his hand on his head and ruffled the already messy hair.

Fourth nodded but immediately shook his head. "No.... I slept for while just now you know." He let out a confident tone.

"Hmmm....How long?"

Fourth glanced at the clock and calculated the time. Then embarrassingly scratched his head. "Thirty minutes"

Gemini let out a sigh. "If you do that you'll get sick with me. Say.... do you want to occupy a hospital bed as well? You're always telling me to take care of myself. How about yourself?"

"Ok Ok Don't start at me! I was worried you know...." A small pout formed in Fourth's lush lips.

Instead of being praised for his hard work he was being nagged. Making Gemini frown. He was worried for the man who had a sleepless night.

"I'll call in the doctor." Fourth stood up from his seat. "And you...get to the bed! You just woke up and immediately started roaming around. What if you get dizzy and fall down?You think you're good already?" He pulled on Gemini and brought him to bed.

"Sit there without making any trouble. I'll be back soon." He pointed a finger at him. Gemini nodded and smiled as Fourth closed the door on him.

Gemini just sat there as he was told. He'll do anything he's told by his other.

Even after the other person was no longer there Gemini still couldn't stop smiling. He felt giddy inside. He wanted to scream and giggle.

He saw it. Saw it clear. In those big doe eyes that are crystal clear. Ripe and juicy. He saw it.

The same old look on Fourth's eyes. The look he had abandoned for a while.The feelings he yearned for.It had returned or say resurfaced . It was still there. Deep within. And now he was confident.

He was happy and contented. The heaviness he felt when he opened his eyes had already long gone as soon as he caught the sight of the person waiting for him. Sleeping on the couch looking ethereally enchanting.

"Son! You're finally up my dear!" Mrs Tanya burst into the room and immediately ran to embrace her only son. Mr Intouch followed by Mr Tarn and Mrs Pinkja.

Fourth finally arrived with Dr Tin. "Hello Gemini. How are you feeling now?" He questioned walking in.

"Better than before." Gemini answered as he was examined and finally let go.

"He's good to go now. We'll keep him here now for observation. If there are no signs of relapse he can get discharged tomorrow." Dr Tin wrote down the orders and left the room.

"Thank you doctor." Fourth said as he went to the door to see the Doctor off.

After chatting for a while the parents finally decided to head home. They were a bit hesitant at first but eventually made their way out.

"Ma.... The doctor said I'm fine. I'm good. Don't need to trouble your tired bodies to wait on. You can go home and rest. Fourth will be here with me" Gemini finally convinced his mother.

"Don't be too stubborn and listen to Fourth. We'll come visit after work. Fourth... Don't over exert yourself as well. Get some good rest." Mr Intouch said leading his wife out.

Fourth nodded as he went to drop them off at the door then returned to sit on the couch.

"Now it's just me and you." Gemini said making an attempt to get off bed. Fourth gave him a stern glare. He could predict his next move.

He stood up and flung the feet that had already made it's way to the ground back to the bed.
"The doctor told you to rest. The medications will make you dizzy. Didn't you hear?" He pretended to smack him in the head but gently. He didn't want to damage the smart brain.

Gemini simply sighed at the failure of his escape. He's bored to death laying down.

"Are you bored?" Fourth saw how lax Gemini's face had become. It was as if he was getting sicker.

"Umm." Gemini replied closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm no fun." A soft whisper filled with guilt came.

Gemini immediately opened his eyes and sat up straight snapping his head to Fourth's direction. If his head wasn't firm enough it would've broken.

"I didn't mean I was bored with you! I meant I was bored lying down here! I'm not bored of you!" He didn't stutter to shout leaving Fourth taken aback. Gemini had to do that.

Their whole relationship had countless unexplained misunderstandings. He had learned to explain things rather than leaving it for later.

"You get what I mean?" Gemini looked at Fourth with eager eyes. His tone had softened Fourth's eyes softened as well and he let out a smile.

"Umm I get it now."

Both their hearts felt full.

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