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"-last, and possibly most least, our social outcast; Oliver!"

The brunette boy glared at Chris McLean and flipped him the finger as he stepped off the boat and onto the dock. He heard the host chuckle but ignored him as he scanned the rest of the cast who stood bored. Why did he have to be last?

Oliver was nervous, could you blame him? He was in front of twenty-two teenagers from all across Canada, and it made his skin crawl. Why did he sign up for this again?

The brunette offered a small wave and shy smile to the group of teens, none of who reciprocated beyond a nod or smile. Great.

Since Oliver arrived last, he didn't know anyone or their names. Perfect.

Chris then called out to everyone, "First things first, we need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!" He jumped up onto the boat that delivered Oliver and pulled out a camera.

After everyone found themselves places and posed, Oliver found a space between two girls sitting on the dock and the guy standing behind them. He just sat cross-legged with a small smile and a thumbs up, wanting to get this over with. He hated having to smile for a camera.

"Okay. One, two, three- oops. Okay, forgot the lens cap."

Oliver found himself glaring at Chris with annoyance. How hard was it to work a camera? He didn't like that he could hear the others shifting on the creaking dock.

"Okay, hold that pose. One, two- Oh. No, wait." The host chuckled, "Card's full. Hang on."

Oliver gritted his teeth, "Seriously?"

Leshawna rolled her eyes, "Come on, man, my face is starting to freeze."

Chris continued to smile as he held the camera, "Got it, okay. Everyone say 'Wawanakwa.'"


Immediately the dock collapsed in on itself, sending everyone falling into the cold Ontario ocean.

Oliver clenched his eyes shut as he tried to swim up, praying he hadn't swallowed any water. He hated the ocean.

The brunette found himself being pulled above water by the goth girl he had seen earlier.

Oliver coughed out the seawater he had ingested as soon as he could, now gasping for air. He sent a strained smile to his saviour, who offered him a tired one in return.

Oliver pushed his now wet hair out of his face, wanting to get this show over and done with. He should've put his lack of swimming in his contract.

Oliver swam as best he could to the shore and was immediately coughing in his hands and on his knees to get the rest of the seawater out of his lungs. He pulled himself up and tried to squeeze the water out of his shirt and shorts before checking his jewellery count. Good, all there.

As he shook his hair around, Oliver could feel stares, making his skin crawl. He looked around for the source but only saw everyone focused on themselves. Weird.

"Okay, guys, dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in ten."

Oliver hated this show already.


"This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks."

The cast of teenagers were scattered across the area, either sitting on the wooden stumps or sitting on the ground. Oliver opted for the latter. He was sat near the girl that saved him, Gwen, and the punk-looking boy, Duncan.

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