chapter 3

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Harry pov

I was just fowling Tom to wear ever he thinks he knows where to go but I'm still getting the strong urge to summit to him I think it's my Neko side wanting there mate.

Tom " stay close to me, got that potter"

Harry " yes, I got it"

Then I got a little closer to him and I see a little smile the we got into the village and then Tom went up to a perple pony and started talking to her.

Tom " hello, we need your help"

Twilight  "of course what do you need help with"

Tom " well we are not from here and got stuck into a portal and into this world"

Twilight " ow this is going to take a while to figure out, let's go to my place, so you guys have a place to stay, until we can get you guys home"

Tom " that would be great, what is your name"

Twilight "my name is Twilight the princess of friendship, what about your guys's name"

Tom "my name is Tom Riddle, and this little shorty here is Harry Potter "

I got a little bit cooler to Tom and I rubbed my head around his neck and I can see a little bit of possession in his eyes when I did that then Tom started to speak to me in partial tongue.

Twilight " it's nice to meet you two now come on let's get you guys settled in then we can start finding a way for you guys to get home"

Then we started fowling Twilight

Tom " what are you doing Potter"

Harry " have you not figure it out yet"

Tom " of what the Bond we share the urge to protect you"

Harry " do you want me to tell you what the Bond is really about"

Tomyes tell me"

Harry " the reason why is because we are soul mate"

Tom " will if that's the case, if you keep on rubbing on me you will find yourself not be able to walk for a couple of days"

After he said that I blush so hard and I can see a smerk on his face

Twilight " ok, we are here, Do you guys want to share a room or have separate rooms for your stay here"

Tom " a share room if you could"smirks a little-

I was surprised that he wants to share a room and I can see a little smirk on his face fuck he is planning something for tonight

Harry " Tom do you know if are magic works here"

Tom " I think it will work here I still got my wand with me"

Twilight " aw you too look so cute together and your shared room is ready, fallow me"

Thay started to follow again

Twilight " here we are, now it's getting late and we have a lot of researching tomorrow"

Tom " thank you, and a good night to you, harry come on let's get settled in"

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