"All good." She said. "Do you think you'll be okay on your own?"

You nodded in response.

"Okay, if you need me, you can call." She assured you, before walking over and giving you a brief hug.

You watched until she left your room.

As soon as the door closed, you lay down on your bed again, tears started to well up in your eyes involuntarily.

You wondered if you would ever go back to Lackadaisy. You couldn't deny you loved singing and playing for people so much, but you felt that when you saw Rocky there, you couldn't stand it.

A few days passed, Ivy really gave you time to be alone, but called at least once a day to see how you were doing.

Gradually, you started to feel significantly better. You didn't know what would become of you if you didn't have a friend like her.

You were in the kitchen preparing lunch after spending a few days eating only snacks, when you heard the doorbell ringing.

You knew it was Ivy and you were happy to see her there, but at the same time, you were surprised to see that she had taken Rocky's cousin with her.

"He also wanted to know how you were doing." She said, which he agreed.

"Aww this is so cute." You smiled.

You invited them in, after days alone, you needed company.

"What's that smell?" The young man asked, noticing a noticeable burning smell.

"Oh, I'm preparing..." You tried to explain, but stopped when you also started to smell burnt food. "Oh no."

You quickly ran into the kitchen, taking the pots off the heat and splashing water on them, the smoke making you cough. 

"Unbelievable, when I try to make food this happens." You grumbled, as you crossed your arms.

"Oh, there's a restaurant down the street." Ivy commented. "I'm going to go get some food."

"Aw, no need to bother with that." You said, holding her hands.

"It's okay, I insist." She answered. "Hey McMurray, keep her company while I go."

Calvin didn't agree, but at the same time, he didn't deny it.

As soon as Ivy left the house, the living room was so silent, you could hear a pin drop to the floor.

"...I don't know if you want to talk about this, but how are you after everything that happened?" He asked softly.

You sighed and lay down on the couch again, propping your legs up on the back.

"Well, I was..." You began, soon realizing the mistake and rephrasing. "I mean, I'm still in love with him, but I can't help it when he's not in love with me. Isn't it funny when emotional pain hurts more than physical pain?"

"I know how it is." He said, as he sat on the couch, however, he too was upside down, just like you were.

"See? I don't bite." You joked, reminding him of the times he ran away from you.

"I know now, sorry about that." He laughed nervously. "I wanted to tell you that despite knowing Rocky for as long as I can remember, even I don't know how his mind works for him to have done that."

"No need to try to defend him." You said. "It was my fault."

"No, I swear I'm not trying to defend him." He quickly clarified when he saw that you got it wrong. "And it's definitely not your fault, Ivy doesn't get tired of telling me how loyal, sweet, kind and fun you are and that anyone in the world would be lucky to have a friend like you."

You chuckled softly and wiped away a tear of emotion that escaped your eye.

"Actually, she is." You said. "Although she's a little crazy."

"I know." He chuckled. "If you don't mind saying, when did you two meet?"

"I would never mind." You answered. "So, until I was 6, I lived in Florida, until I had to move here because of my dad's job. I was in a new city and didn't know how to make friends. Until one day, I was having lunch and Ivy sat next to me, she said 'We're best friends now, I've decided' and I just took it. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me when I came here."

"You two have a very beautiful friendship." He said. "You must be to each other like the sister you never had."

"Oh no." You laughed. "We definitely don't love each other like sisters."

"And why would that be?" He asked curiously.

"Can I tell you a secret?" You turned your face to look at him. You had never noticed how beautiful his big eyes were.

"Of course, my mouth is a grave." He assured 

"Okay then." You looked back up at the ceiling. "When we were both 12, she went with me on a trip to the beach with my parents and I. One day, we were walking alone on the beach at night, when we saw there was no one around, we kissed."

You turned your face again when you realized that Calvin had fallen off the couch, he was so amazed that he was told about that, especially because of the fact that his mother said that people who practiced depraved acts like that were inevitably condemned to hell.

"Are you okay?" You asked, unable to contain a giggle.

"Yes. It's just... I've never... You two..." He fumbled for the words, which for some reason made him even cuter than he already was.

"Is there a problem with that?" You asked in a fearful tone of voice.

"No, of course not." He denied. "My mother disapproves of that, but I've never seen anything too much. But tell me, why didn't the two of you start dating? Or did you start dating, break up and remain best friends?"

"No, we never got to date, although we enjoyed kissing, we realized we didn't like each other that way." You explained. "I'm glad nothing has changed, usually not so platonic kisses destroy friendships..."

You shut up suddenly, realizing you had said too much.

"What?" He asked.

"You must think I'm an annoying chatterbox, right?" You laughed.

"In truth no." He said. "I have a hard time communicating with other people. But I really enjoy talking to you."

You smiled at him, happy with those words.

Ivy was right, he really did loosen up more when the two of you started getting closer.

Despite being very shy, he was very cute, kind and looked like he would never hurt a fly, at least not intentionally.

Ivy was lucky to have met him.

You two looked at each other for a moment, until you were startled when you heard the door opening and making a loud noise.

"Lunch has arrived!" She exclaimed.

"If you want to kill us with a heart attack, let us know." You joked.

"Not from a heart attack." She said, placing the food on the coffee table and pinched your cheeks. "But of love and fun, perhaps."

You laughed amusedly.

Despite having suffered such a huge disappointment in love that you thought you would never smile again, she showed you that life went on and it wasn't worth spending all the time crying.

Devil's Tango with The Danger (Rocky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now