He crawls to the stall furthest away from the entrance. Once he locks it and makes himself comfortable on the closed toilet seat, he pulls out the small box with a pair of headphones. It's not state of the art, but not that old either. Dazai's pretty good with tech-related things. He brings the headphones to his ears and tunes into the playing sound.

"I'm guessing you um... Wanted to talk about One for All?" Midoriya's voice plays, slightly muffled.

"You're right, my boy!" All Might laughs heartily. "I was very impressed by the use of One for All during your training, for both the obstacle race in Ground Gamma and the peer-to-peer training!"

"Ah- ah! No, it was just thanks to Grand Torino's help that I'm able to control 5% of it. I'm still... unable to control much of it at all. Will I ever be as strong as you?"

There's a rustling sound and a surprised squeak from Midoriya, but that's all Dazai can tell.

"I'm proud of you. You've only had this new power for a while and there's no need to compare yourself to me at the moment. You're a smart boy who found another way to use One for All that best suits you! Cherish your accomplishments! Even though my injury from All for One has rendered me unsuited for heroics, I can still teach and guide you, just like my... mentor did for me. You're going to be a fine hero one day." All Might says with an obvious fondness in his tone.

"Thank you!" He sputters. "Could you tell me a bit about your mentor? I never hear you talk about her. She's gone... right? I thought, maybe, it might be lonely."

"My dear boy, you don't need to worry about me. But, I can tell you about her. She was also the past wielder of One for All, the seventh user. She was truly a kind woman who didn't deserve the fate that was brought upon her, one who stuck with me and supported me throughout our entire time together. Her name was Nana Shimura, and I will always carry on her will with me!"

"That's... That's so incredible... but awful!" Midoriya cries out. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, All Might! She sounded so kind and sweet."

Sniffles start to fill up Dazai's headphones. He can only imagine how useless any other information that comes out of those two will be, so he shuts his device off and stretches his legs. They'll probably be in there for a few more minutes.

Dazai sighs, cradling his head in his hands. He cannot wait to drink himself stupid after this. Tomorrow is the day. The sound of footsteps jolts his mind back into the game and he quickly collects his bag from the dirty floor. The bathroom stall swings open as he speedwalks to the staff lounge. Why is the floor so clean? Seriously, he's never even seen a janitor around. But there must be some sort of cleaning service.

Maybe it's someone's quirk. What a useless power... Actually, nothing is more useless than Kajii's ability. He's only met the man once or twice but can appreciate his burning passion. Though every time he talks about his own ability, he has to hold in laughter. At least he makes it work. He remembers Chuuya convincing Kajii to trick him into holding one of his bombs a few months ago. It wasn't very discreet. Dazai could tell it was something dangerous, but also hoped it would kill him. So it was a win-win scenario. Unfortunately, he just ended up in Mori's clinic injured.

He turns a corner to face the staff room, where coincidentally Midoriya is walking from that direction. He plants a cheery grin on his face, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Midoriya, hey! Didn't think you'd be staying so late." Dazai calls, walking over.

"O-oh!" He stammers. "Hello... I was just... checking with our teachers about the content of our final exams."

"I see!" Midoriya is not a great liar. "I'd rather die than study, personally. But each to their own. Speaking of studying, are you going over to Yaoyorozu's house on the weekend?"

"I think it's really generous of her to offer to help us all like that, so I'm definitely coming. It'll be nice to see all my friends over the weekend."

Dazai nods, leaning closer to Midoriya until he can pluck the recording device right from under his collar, where he left it earlier in the day. His hand brushes the fabric to the side to imitate throwing something off, grazing Midoriya's cheek. While the green-haired boy flushes at the close proximity between the two, Dazai leans back.

"You had something on your collar, again. Midoriya is such a clumsy person." Dazai chides.


Dazai hums as he slips the device into his pocket, raising his eyebrow at Midoriya's lack of words. He looks away awkwardly. It's almost as if he wants to say something. If he's not going to say it, then it doesn't matter. Dazai waves slyly and starts to walk away.

"See you."

In his apartment alone, he has time to ponder everything with a nice glass of whiskey. He's sitting in his own bathroom, which has a certain charm to it. He's still avoiding the mirror.

Now that he has confirmation that Midoriya and All Might share the same power, he has some very important things to look into. There are far too many questions and not nearly enough answers, but Dazai has always loved a challenge. Nana Shimura, now that's a familiar name. Unfortunately, he might have to start digging back into Tenko's past. A past he'd rather never speak of again, but answers are more important. The result is always more important.

One for All. All for One. By the looks of it, they're mortal enemies. A power that is passed down versus an immortal monster. Abilities nor quirks are supposed to be given away. The difference between this 'One for All' and the rest of society is astonishing. Even though quirks can be passed down by genetics, no power simply transfers to someone else whenever they feel like it. Nana Shimura was the seventh user. His first priority is to find the other users and figure out just what's so special about this mysterious power.

He thinks back to the sports festival. What a stupid event. Maybe he enjoyed it a bit, but he shouldn't have. He had gotten too comfortable with his newfound freedom. During Midoriya and Shinsou's match, there was that one moment when he could feel multiple presences nearby. Perhaps there were seven of them, which could correlate to the past users of One for All. But... he thinks he saw eight. That doesn't make that much sense unless All Might was there too. He's not dead though (duh). The numbers just don't add up, but maybe there was someone else. A leader, maybe?

It was frightening to experience them. The dead congregated together in an unnatural way. The lifeless should stay dead, for they are not useful anymore. But Dazai should not be able to see the dead. He can't usually sense abilities very well unless they foster a power on an entirely different level, like Arahabaki.

His ability only works on other abilities too, so unless the dead are part of Midoriya's ability... One for All... might be much more than he thinks it is.

Why is Midoriya the chosen one? How can he care so much about a random woman he's never met, just because All Might treasured her? It doesn't make sense.

It is deeply unsettling for Dazai to encounter a bond between two people that is warm. If liquid fire is the warmth of love, all Dazai has ever known is frigid scalpels and frightening touches. Not a drop of heat in the hearth.

Mori once told him, long before when he was no one. He said, "You will kill a man, and look down upon him with no remorse. The only remorse you hold in your heart is for yourself."

And look where he is now. Isn't Mori always right? In the end, everything goes back to him with his syrupy smile and scathing eyes. He was always forgiving though, wasn't he? No matter how many times poor little Dazai messed up, Mori always picked up the pieces. Dazai is just a killer. He's the boy who killed his father and never looked back.

He's utterly out of his mind. If someone were to peer inside, he's afraid he'll infect them with whatever incurable disease he's been born with. Maybe the blood dripping onto the bathroom tiles with urgency will spread and infect their awful disease into someone else. He'll clean it up. If he can't, someone else will get sick.

I Don't Smoke (bsdxmha)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora