Infp ran over to the crash site with Estj and serious concern.

Infp: "ENFP! Are you okay?!"

Enfp sat halfway up. "I'm.. totally fine."

Infp: "How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up three fingers.

Enfp squinted at Infp for a couple a seconds before saying "four".

Infp: "... good enough. Come on let's go back, maybe the nurse can help."

Enfp: "Okay" As she tried to stand up her leg sent a surge a pain through her body.

Enfp: "Ack. Oof, wow that really hurt." She held her leg while sitting back down on the grass.

Infp looked back and forth between her two friends. "Estj what do we do?!"

Estj sighed. "Fine, let me take a look at it." She crouched down next to Enfp and rolled up her pant leg. There was a large scrap with some blood dripping down the side.

Estj: "How do you manage to keep yourself getting into these situations?"

Enfp: "I dunno. It just kinda happens!"

As Estj was trying to comprehend how that was a viable reason, she got out her first aid kit and cleaned off the blood with an small clean rag as Enfp squirmed and sucked through her teeth.

Estj: "You know it wouldn't hurt so much, if you would just stay still."

Enfp: "I'm trying!"

Estj rolled her eyes as she disinfected and bandaged up the wound. "That should be good until you go to a doctor, I'd recommended getting a closer look at it." She helped Enfp up and Infp propped her up around her shoulder.

Estj was just about to leave, when Enfp started charging at her - for the second time that day, WHILST ALSO LIMPING ON ONE FOOT- with arms wide open.

Estj: "WAIT WHAT ARE YOU D-" Before she could finish her sentence Enfp wrapped her arms around Estj, like a snake squeezing the air out of its prey.

Estj had a look of pure shock on her face, and it was quite honestly adorable.

Enfp: "Thank you!!!!"

Estj: "um... Your welcome?" She looked at Infp for help.

Infp: "Hahaha, come on Enfp, stop intimidating Estj." Estj was unamused. Infp grabbed Enfp's arm and wrapped it around her shoulder.

Infp: "Honestly though thank you so much, I don't know what we wouldn't have done without you."

Estj: "Do you not have a first aid kit?"

Infp: "Not that I can think of right now."

It really baffled Estj how some just didn't carry anything around with them. "Well I have to go to a meeting right about now, and I'd hate for you to get hurt again and not be able to treat it, so..." She handed Infp her first aid kit and moved on towards the meeting room.

Infp: "Oh, thank you! Again..." She began to see a different side to Estj, a secret soft side for the people she cared about and the things she loved, it was really nice and honestly kind of adorable. She opened the kit and saw some handwritten labels, handwriting that looked suspiciously like the handwriting on the card that came with the paper organizer. There was no denying it now, it was from her... But why? She made a mental note in her head to actually ask Estj about it this time.

She helped Enfp hobble back to her apartment and made sure she had everything she needed before getting some rest. She said goodbye and returned home. There she fixed up a small snack to take back to her room and watch a movie.

A funny story about the MBTI typesWhere stories live. Discover now