Joe and Donald Loving the other side

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Joe and Donald
Chapter 1
Btws I'm just bored and I don't know what I'm doing

Donald Trump's point of view:
"I can't believe my president term is almost over! I'd better see who I'm up against for the election. Ok, 0k. Looks like I might win again!" ( Pauses) ( Blushes intensely) "O- oh.. uh" ( sweats ) "it's j-just Joe."

Joe Biden's point of view "So today's the day

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Joe Biden's point of view
"So today's the day. I'm finally going up against my long loved crush, Donald Trump! I just have to to get past all these other people running for president, to get to my true love. Once I win I'll get rid of my vice president Kamala Harris and replace her with Trump, so I can get a chance to get closer to Trump. Maybe one day I can get him in the sheets with me! ( thinks ) Wait I can't do that! That's very mean and wrong! Plus what if he doesn't even likes men let alone me. Not only that, his stupid wife is in my way!

A few months later Joe Biden beats Trump in the election and becomes president
( Audience Point of View)

As Joe Biden gets his honor in becoming president he notices Donald Trump in the crowd. Donald Trump has a disappointing, but congratulating face. Joe Biden quickly runs through the crowd right up to Donald Trump. The crowd is so big no news reporters or cameras captured this. Some crowd members see Joe whisper something into Trump's ear.  All of a sudden, Donald Trump starts to smile a bit, and even starts to blush a little. However nobody in the crowd knew what Joe said to Donald, and nobody in the crowd noticed Trump blush. Many people thought that Joe Biden was just trash talking Donald Trump. Nobody would have guessed that Biden and Trump like each other. I mean they both have a wife, and most of Trump's supporters are just homophobic republicans.

Joe Biden's point of view

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Joe Biden's point of view

"I'm finally being emitted to office! This means I'm finally able to go with my plan.  I just hope there's a time where me and Trump have to talk, so then I can ask him." ( Joe looks around at the crowd smiling and waving ) ( Joe was astonished by what or who he saw ) " Omg it's Donald Trump! I can't believe he's here! This is my chance right now, when the crowd won't notice." ( Joe Biden slips through the crowd right to Donald Trump) ( Joe whispers into Donald Trump's ear ) " Hey - um would you like... to um be my VP. I never liked Kamala anyways, and I think you would be better."  ( Trump pause) ( Trump starts to blush a little ) Donald Trump out loud says "Sure! I'm been itching to get back in office." ( Trump had to say this as straightforward as possible, so that Joe wouldn't get even a small hint that Trump liked him ) Joe says " That's great! I can kick that woman off next week as so as possible!"

Donald Trump's point of view

" I don't know why I showed up to Joe's honor thing to get emitted to the office, I just did. I don't even like this guy. It's just a custom to show up to these types of things. No matter who they're for." ( Donald Trump is in denial about liking Joe Biden ) ( Donald Trump doesn't even realize how much he likes Joe Biden. Even when he's blushing intensely when even looking at a photo of Joe Biden) " This is getting kinda boring, just standing here." ( Trump is in the back of the crowd looking right at Joe Biden) ( Joe starts slipping through the crowd towards Donald Trump ) " What's this idiot Joe Biden, doing now? Dose this crowd not even notice him!? Wait why is this guy now approaching me?!" ( Joe Biden takes a deep breath, and gets closer to Donald Trump's ear ) " I don't even Have time to talk! What's with this guy!" Joe Biden whispers " Hey - um would you like... to um be my VP. I never liked Kamala anyways, and I think you would be better." " Wait what? He's asking me to be his VP, right after he beat me!? This can't be!" ( Trump starts to blush a little, and tries to answer as calmly as possible ) Donald Trump says "Sure! I'm been itching to get back in office." Joe Biden then says " That's great! I can kick that woman off next week as so as possible!" " I can't believe Joe Biden said that to me! He's kicking out Vice President Harris just like that?! I kinda feel bad for Kamala. I think I might offer her a job at my house, or she can help my wife with her important work."

Creator notes So we know that Joe and Trump are going to be a ship, but what about Kamala harris and Donald Trump's wife Melania Trump

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Creator notes
So we know that Joe and Trump are going to be a ship, but what about Kamala harris and Donald Trump's wife Melania Trump. Should we have some Kamala x Melanie action going on here? Also this is all a joke, Just don't know what to do with my life at this point in time.

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