It was Friday afternoon, making the campus the most deserted place in existence. Most students wouldn't sign up for classes as they would leave Fridays as an extended weekend for partying and studying. There were a few people walking down the path to the building, a few others off to the side chatting. Turning right, we take the alleyway to my car as a shortcut. An odd feeling erupted in my gut. My face scrunched at the odd feeling.

As we neared the end of the ally way hands clasped around my arms keeping me still. A hand wrapped around my mouth, a cloth rubbed against my lips. I felt my senses heighten at the movement. My body wiggled and jerked around trying to free myself from the strong grip without breathing in whatever was on the cloth. I could hear Ashley's grunts of fear making me jerk even harder. My head started to feel fuzzy. Pain erupted in my lungs screaming for air. I took a gulp of air in, breathing in whatever chemical was on the cloth. My vision became blurry as black spots clouded the view of my car. I felt my body go limp as I lost consciousness as darkness took over me.

"No don't do anything to her." A gruff male voice sounded out.

I could feel the itchy rope cutting into my wrists. It was too difficult to tell how long I had been out. However, the dryness of my mouth was a clear indicator that I had been unconscious for a long time. The air smelled fresher, like we were in a more humid climate.

"But sir-" A more frail voiced pleaded out.

"Enough, it's final. Leave her be." The man growled.

I groaned at the harsh sound, my head pounding from the raging headache I had. I could hear the man sigh before heavy foot steps approached me. I felt a cold prick on my neck, making me flinch at the metal. I felt myself getting lightheaded again before relaxing back into a deep sleep.

It was the sound of rain that brought me out of the darkness, which made me more aware of my surroundings. I peeled my eyelids open, squinting at the harsh light that entered my eyes. I could feel the raindrops hitting my face as they fell from the dark grey sky. The grass underneath me felt cold. It seeped into my body making me shiver uncomfortably. The sound of cries reached my ears, a soft high pitched cry stood out the most. My eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I turned my head to the sound. I could only see blurry black silhouettes.

I sat up, trying to see the scene in front of me. Pulling myself up from the ground, I slowly approached the silhouettes. My vision cleared as I got closer.

People dressed in black blocked my view as I came closer to the soft cries. The cries got louder the more I weaved my way through the solemn faces. A large grave was in the middle. There were golden letters carved across the brown casket. I slowly tunedat the soft cries. It was a younger version of me peering down into the six foot hole, dressed in a basic black dress with black flats. Taking a look at her, I noticed that she held a neatly folded American flag in her hands. The feeling of dread washed over me like a tsunami as I looked back up at her face. She looked from the hole to me, her look of sadness slowly turning into one of rage.

"This is your fault." She screamed, making me back away slowly.

She started yelling the same thing over and over again. I backed away quickly. The sudden movement made me trip over my feet falling to the ground.

The flag fell from her hands. Her body cracked and moved into awkward places. She continued to yell as I scrambled away from the grave. I squealed as the girl crawled towards me.

"Mommy and Daddy are dead because of you. No one will love a murderer!" the girl screamed, chasing after me.

Before the girl could get any closer, I fell into a hole. My body felt light, my hair moving wildly in the wind. The girl slowly faded away as I fell down. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping this dream ends as the dark abyss swallowed me whole.

Black Swan ~ LEON KENNEDYWhere stories live. Discover now